Ok, I'm gonna be straight forward with this.
I highly doubt I'm going to continue hosting servers.
There is absolutely no future in Minecraft after what Mojang (or mainly Notch) did the past months.
Bukkit is going down with the DMCA, the EULA makes us earn barely any money, barely enough to stay alive, Microsoft is most likely going to make hosting servers way more expensive or put even more restrictions in earning money and other things.
I am spending about 8 hours a day on the servers on average, and I'm doing it all without getting anything in return, most likely wasting my time.
Furthermore, there's a lot of hate from people like Anrza and Weby, and people actually believing what they say. Some people actually left because of the stories they posted, without even waiting for my official reply on the matter.
So I'm spending about 8 hours a day on this, without getting money for it, getting a lot of hate and stress and most likely losing it all soon. I don't think there's any reason to continue with the servers. (Though YT and building are still things I can do)
I'm not saying this is a final decision, but it sure is something I'm very much considering.