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  • How New Isengard Will Work

    1) Fangorn Forest spawns on the hill outside Isengard. They need to capture a breach in the wall before entering Isengard.
    2) There are a number of flags to capture inside the walls of Isengard. These can be capped in any order.
    3) After all these flags are capped, everyone is tp'd to dam like in old Isengard. Ents have to break dam, and release the river.
    4) This is the debatable bit. An optional last flag would be at the bottom of Orthanc Tower. The orcs would spawn, lets say 1/4 of the way up the tower, and the ents would spawn outside it somewhere.
    I am kinda annoyed that no one has really supported Tim at this time - publicly at least. The constant stream of unjustifiable hate is, quite frankly, sickening.

    We all have busy periods in our lives. In Tim's case, his finals are damn important - no one in their right mind could criticise him for putting them before anything else.

    Now, because Tim is busy he can't actively create content. No one can blame him for that, either.

    Just think how different a lot of our lives - at the moment - would be without Tim and this server. He, alone, has done so much for us - and I think a little appreciation of it would be worthy.

    New Isengard is our salvation. This summer, I predict, things will be epic. Sorry for the ramble, I have just been becoming more and more annoyed recently.
    Wow r0-0d my so-serious troll post got lokd. feking kekkie smurf.
    kekkie smurf - kek = skrub. lukily he got keks, if not then pleb would be 9/11 r8 ign
    Silly School 2)
    Spending my evening drawing hydrocarbons like 2,2-dichloro-3-methylbutane. I am sure that this will be a valuable life skill... right?
    Poor helpless Zooms being eaten by trolls. Donate to the 'TrollsHaveSouls' foundation to ensure that Trolls like Trollberz continue eating helpless Zooms.
    *Throws an axe at unfortunate Troll who then drops Zoom before stepping back and falling into the fire.*
    I don't understand. When will I ever need to know about the industrial process for the making of Sodium Hydroxide? Ah well.
    An archer has a pikeman in front of him. He is shooting at the pikeman while retreating.

    The archer sees uncle Tobberz approaching. He stops shooting at the pikeman, and shoots Tobberz dead. He then dies, because he stopped shooting at the pikeman.

    If that isn't targeting, idk what is.
    Help, I am being poisoned by your attitude, ughhghg *dies*
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