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Search results

  1. m4rine_semperfi

    Empire War LOTR related tribute

    The best Dwarf songs compilation I made, listened while I played EW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IT3M0YjptNk&t=2478s Gondor/mordor Empire War siege soundtrack (like the movie battles but only music): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1MKFZEKXfFYms06su01Zm07uW5XAiRE0v Remove Kebab (EW tim...
  2. m4rine_semperfi

    Final Message to all of EW

    Empire War v2 is shutting down as you all have heard. Want to put my final words here. Thank you 960266 for the 5+ years I've been on here, building a true LOTR siege/minecraft experience and game mode for all of us to enjoy, something that's rarely ever been done. Something to be seriously...
  3. m4rine_semperfi

    Thoughts on EW 1.13

    1) You can only eat/use right click items in your offhand if you are looking at a block and in range of it. 2) Erebor is now prismarine so bricks can be used in other builds. This is a good start, but I noticed there are dark prismarine bricks too, and I think they should be used instead. That...
  4. m4rine_semperfi


    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1L8CoUIRJhY6oRM0wCg325UAkf-QLQNSW Just like the glory days, there are no vanilla textures and many have been updated/fixed to look cooler with the maps. Every vanilla texture/out of place texture has been replaced by either a jolicraft texture (the base of the...
  5. m4rine_semperfi

    M4 Packs & Mods

    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RpBkfAwHgYB_-IByudJLOI4q26ONDi2w TEXTURES: Vanilla 32x + EW custom weapons & a new cooler looking diamond color that blends in with other weapons Has minecraft 1.8 PvP sounds and looks (only difference is hit detection is worse than 1.8 still) Realistic light...
  6. m4rine_semperfi

    The Hobbit Movie Edit

    Intro: People on the internet have recut and re-arranged The Hobbit movies to make all 3 into one long movie that follows the book more and is less silly. I've seen countless fanedits of the 3 movies but none have quite been perfect. Either, they cut too much for the sake of 'pacing' and as a...
  7. m4rine_semperfi


    I think this map needs an overhal. It was made in 2013. It was later revised and edited in October 2015 with some flag changes before EW shut down and then it was re-added to EW v2 in April 2017 with very few small build/visual updates. After 6 years, it still has nearly the same layout, which...
  8. m4rine_semperfi

    New Helms Discussion

    My ideas/thoughts: 1) First spawn at wall for Uruks is too close, they just spawn right at the ladders. This gets rid of the feel of charging up to the wall that you use to have and that we saw in the movies. That also leads into my next point, 2) The wait to spawn for first 30 seconds at the...
  9. m4rine_semperfi

    Hello EmpireWar

  10. m4rine_semperfi

    Cannot purchase gift for someone with underscores in name

    Cannot purchase gift for someone with underscores in name on store
  11. m4rine_semperfi

    Uruk Reaver Changes

    This class seems somewhat useless in relation to the name. It has 2 weapons, a strong Iron Sword, and a Diamond Axe with slightly less damage but additional knockback to 'balance.' Not only is Helm's Deep not a knockback map really (Moria/Laketown can be for example), but also you are on the...
  12. m4rine_semperfi

    EW Vanilla Style - Faithful 32x (wip)

    I'm working on a texture pack for 1.12.2. The purpose of this if you want to play EW or try it out as if everything was vanilla-themed and all the blocks/weapons/items fit in with the original art style of the game. All textures are 32 bit -Base Texture Pack: Faithful 32x for fonts and...
  13. m4rine_semperfi

    Class Suggestion Template

    I think this should be a thing that players can copy and paste to easily suggest: Name: Type: Free / Voter / Point (& Price) / Class Package / Standard Donor Maps: Weapons: Equipment/Items: 3 ladders & 10 steak [default] Armor: Potion Effects: [rule] Abilities: Extra Info: [rule]...
  14. m4rine_semperfi

    im back hello

    you may have seen me in game but intend on being active. glad to see all the old faces again and the new kids. my shits harder to figure out than what britneys tit size is but im bored and no one probably is reading this but if u are i joined this server in 2014 and i loved (ab)using classes...
  15. m4rine_semperfi

    EW General Suggestions

    I know the listed updates Tim posted are priority but I feel like a few small things could be added along side them. 1) For death messages make it so instead of only being "killed by" it can also be "shot by", this makes it feel more complete and it was like this on EW v1. 2) Add old color...
  16. m4rine_semperfi

    Empire War Texture Pack Revamp - 1.8 pvp sounds and more

    (Includes newest version of EW Pack as the base) Changes/Updates: -Low Fire (Easy to pvp when on fire) -Clear GUIs (Easy to see enemies when rearranging inventory) -32x bit widgets/particles/font (Better looking quality) -Old 1.8 pvp sounds (Gives effect of old pvp slightly back) this means...
  17. m4rine_semperfi

    Suggestion - Gates

    Instead of making the gate completely disappear when broken, I suggest that a broken variant of the gate is present as shown in the picture. There are two reasons: -It looks cooler -People can distinguish if a player opened the gate with a lever or if the gate is ACTUALLY broken
  18. m4rine_semperfi

    General suggestions for next update?

    1) Battering ram on maps like Minas Morgul 2) Life counter on all maps 3) /startvote for Veteran+ 4) New gondor + mordor donor class package + new point classes on the TBA classes, possibly bring back stuff from EW v1 5) Some new maps I think all of these should be considered, make sure to...
  19. m4rine_semperfi

    team ratios

    when the ratios are 1:1, defenders already have defensive positions/close spawns to flags while attackers have nothing i don't know if you have ever heard the term "balance" but clearly the defenders are not balanced with the attackers, which does not allow them to have a chance at winning...
  20. m4rine_semperfi

    Aesthetic/General Suggestions

    This is my first real suggestion that isn't stupid on EW v2:) , if you remember me I used to tryhard suggestions. 1) Old Colors -Player names -> depending on team -Donors ->depending on team or white like the old EW -Death messages -> Not italicized -Side note: add /whois that tells the team...