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Search results

  1. ElectricCharged

    Mage Changes

    On Minas Tirith and Osgiliath: Keep the mage jump, but nerf the melee damage by 1 and remove regeneration. On other maps: keep damage and regen as is but remove mage jump. Of course maps where mage jump is added could be changed. If the jump is still too broken, maybe experiment with certain...
  2. ElectricCharged

    Can't mount horses/wargs

    Warg Rider can't mount wargs. I'm assuming this is the same for other horse classes. Click here to check idk how to put image in the post
  3. ElectricCharged

    Goodbye EmpireWar

    I'm gonna be honest man, it's kinda hard for me to say this so I'm gonna get straight to the point. I honestly believe there's no future for EmpireWar, I mean look at it. Pulling little to no players for months on end. Makes me kinda sad. I'm getting tired of checking the website everyday, just...
  4. ElectricCharged

    Points Happy Hour

    The main problem right now is, glaringly, the fact that nobody wants to join an empty server. When people do join, the servers gains some momentum and more people join, etc. We've all seen this. So the questions remains: how to get people on? I suggest a weekly/daily 'happy hour' where people...
  5. ElectricCharged

    Demo to my Pokemon fangame

    HEY WOULD YOU LOOK AT THIS. I just released the demo to my (questionable) Pokémon fangame. THE LINK TO THE DOWNLOAD PAGE IS:Right here This is a .exe file. It's only compatible with operating systems that can run .exe files. (Works on Windows. Works on Linux with a workaround. Fairly certain...
  6. ElectricCharged

    Change the tutorial system

    Currently, whenever a new player joins, they instantly get teleported into the tutorial, in which they can't move until they follow the instructions. However, if a new player who does not speak English (well enough) joins, they are, metaphorically speaking, completely fucked: they can't move...
  7. ElectricCharged

    I'm leaving EmpireWar

    I've been on this server for a long time now, and thus, it is not without considerarion that I say my time has finally come. Playing the same maps, killing the same people, even new maps just get boring and oversaturated in under a week. The drag is just too much for me to keep going. It is for...
  8. ElectricCharged

    Official Rikumaru vs _PigGuardian_ Narration

    Blessed day, people of the Empirewar Minecraft server! Today, me, ElectricCharged, and my non-talkative partner in crime De_Mik shall be looking at a series of duels between well-known battler Rikumaru from the Empirewar Minecraft server and _PigGuardian_, the feisty newcomer in this situation...
  9. ElectricCharged

    Accepted olwmaster_ hacking

    Name of reported: olwmaster_ Reported for what: Killaura, antiknockback, probably crits too. Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3SQImZyifw Further problems: If Shaggy and Scooby always run side by side, and a Great Dane's speed is about 40 mph, then would Shaggy be the fastest...
  10. ElectricCharged

    Dragonrage2204 Killaura

    Name of reported: Dragonrage2204 Reported for what: Killaura (and possibly NoKB but that might just be lag) Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsPabd1EWnQ
  11. ElectricCharged

    Tutorial is completely broken

    The tutorial is broken to the point where it literally just traps you unless you do /skiptutorial because you can't spawn. I tried punching the wool but nothing happened. I'm not sure if this happens if you choose dwarves too, but I assume it's just the same thing. Evidence...
  12. ElectricCharged

    Reporting Platypuses

    Name of reported: Platypusus Reported for what: Hacking. NoKB with the evidence I have, but he was using KA earlier as well. Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGipLANRcP0 (This one starts at 2:00) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nty4wSp_sWM (This one just has us fighting) There's more...