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  1. MrDrewSky

    Resolved Restock bug

    You can restock both food and spears from cauldrons. Not sure if intentional. You also throw your spear automatically when you restock from cauldron, which is I assume where those claims were coming from.
  2. MrDrewSky

    Resolved Assists don’t show that they’re affected by boosters

    I know it’s known, but assists don’t show they’re affected by boosters. I know it’s a visual bug.
  3. MrDrewSky

    Resolved Dunland Champion Bug

    Dunland Champion armor breaks. I don’t believe this is intentional.
  4. MrDrewSky

    Denied Unban request

    Howdy there, Wolffe12! I was actually the one who banned you. It was not automatic. You were banned for autoclicker. Cotander and I had heard you, and you were also setting off the server's anticheat. You did not have bad internet and you were not suffering from "lag spikes.," as you can see in...
  5. MrDrewSky

    Accepted language

    Thank you for the report! wietblower will be temporarily muted for toxicity and excessive profanity. I will warn the others to abstain from being so crude with one another. Locked.
  6. MrDrewSky

    Reduced Appeal for Mute and Ban

    Howdy there! Sorry for the later response, I've been fairly busy. But, I've checked my files for you, and there doesn't seem to be any evidence left. Since you've confessed and apologized, I will reduce your ban to a week. Do not hack again on here. This is your one and only chance. Welcome...
  7. MrDrewSky

    1.15.2 Bugs

    So, I recently just tested the new 1.15.2 server and here's a few things that I found to be buggy. -Losing effects Whenever you spawn in with a class with an effect, such as swiftness or strength, and you die, after you respawn in the team lobby, you will lose all effects. After every death...
  8. MrDrewSky

    ban of me friend

    Howdy there Giel! First things first, we are gonna need you to fill out the proper appeal format. We are going to have troubles finding out who you're talking about, so if you could, please provide the proper information, it would help us a lot. Minecraft username: Ban/mute reason...
  9. MrDrewSky

    Potential Mage Jump Fix?

    So, I might have a suggestion for mage? So, to make the jump more balanced. So, what I was thinking was a charge bar, utilizing the XP bar. This recharges when the mage is walking or staying still, but when running, it will deplete. Now, the XP bar pertains to the power of the jump. A full bar...
  10. MrDrewSky

    Classes losing food

    Not sure as to why this happened, but when I had steaks in hand as an archer, I pressed Q by accident and they disappeared entirely. Attempting to try and restock them with an enderchest yielded no positive results.
  11. MrDrewSky

    Dale Longbowman loses speed

    For some odd reason, sometimes when using a cauldron as Dale Longbow, you lose your speed III
  12. MrDrewSky

    1.13 Issues

    I know that I've brought these issues up on Discord, but Tob usually sees most issues here, so I am going to post them here so you can see and have other add onto the issues. Not necessarily bugs, or maybe they are. So, the problems with 1.13 so far: -Hammerer can literally one or two shotting...
  13. MrDrewSky

    Sharpness vote no longers works.

    I believe this post is self explanatory. Also, in addition to this, the daily bonus is no longer working as well.
  14. MrDrewSky

    Weird bug.

    So, this new player spawned in. He joined a team, got immediately kicked, and now he is apart of neither team. He is vulnerable to both sides, and has no colored nametag.
  15. MrDrewSky

    Broken Troll

    Oddly enough, troll on Erebor has been broken. No effects at all, can sprint, and can be one shot by xbow.
  16. MrDrewSky

    VERY IMPORTANT: Regen bug

    So, apparently the regen plugin has broken, meaning that when you eat food and get to full hunger, your health no longer regenerates as it should, also this has broken medic and it no longer works.
  17. MrDrewSky

    Denied werew0lf auto clicker and kill aura

    When making a report, please, make sure you have evidence, or don't post at all. Check the report format for more details. Simply going off hearsay isn't good enough. If you're on and notice he's on as well and acting suspicious, please, discreetly contact a pre-mod/admin/mod.
  18. MrDrewSky

    Denied ItzMonkeyBusines

    Please, do not comment on reports. Merely saying that he does or does not hack does not contribute to the report.
  19. MrDrewSky

    Denied ItzMonkeyBusines

    Name of reported: ItzMonkeyBusines Reported for what: Autoclicker, forcefield, aimbot First off, I do apologize for the watermark. Quicktime does not record audio, and to prove the autoclicker/speed clicker or whatever you'd like to call it. Listen to speed of his swings. Also notice at certain...
  20. MrDrewSky


    Hello all! Drew here. I am here to say goodbye. For those who don't know, my dad died of a heart attack yesterday and I will no longer have the time nor the will to get on the server again. Since my dad died, it seemed as if I lost my mother as well in the whole ordeal. I need to focus on her...