*The bandits, arrows, cabin and everything else fades into a mist. You would notice you have inadvertently entered the forest and the path back is gone. Should they look up to attempt to find the sun as it is now dawn they would see only the light green of leaves. If you looked about you would notice what looks like a flagstone path leading deeper into the woods*
((I know what to do when the PCs try to hijack a quest.))
*lays down and places sword in reach. Falls asleep and dreams of a mountain of gold coins, weapons, and the best armor. Wakes up and asks " When do you want me to watch
*As the first hours of the watch slip past strange creatures can be dimly seen at the edge of Andrews view. Should he look directly at them they would vanish instantly and reappear once more in his peripheral vision. But the sights are not the worst of the watch. A dim sound of drums and chanting can be just made out to the south, and the smell of decay drifts in from the east.*
*The longer the stay at their camp the worse the sights and sounds get, the chanting that once was far away begins to grow louder and a trace of red light slips through the canopy*
*wakes up Andrew and suggests they move on and head towards the old fort
*spots a few rocks with some bushes covering it. "Quick! Get to the rocks!
*grabs belonging and runs to the bushes. Draws sword and place alot of rocks that could be used as projectiles
(is there a checkpoint anywhere?)
*beepbobit is concerned for his own safety. He had waited out the night, watching the others, sitting down behind a tree, but the shapes begin to scare him too. He jumps out into the clearing and draws his sword, entering a defensive stance
"I've got your back, common folk"