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A Roleplay quest (By lucolas01))

*The fall is rather long and such a rash action proves to be detrimental. As Andrew neglected the ladder he falls fast, attempting to catch the ladder as he falls would at the very least dislocate if not completely rip off his arm. He would hit the bottom with a sickening crunch. With no room to roll he would fall into a heap, and break his left leg.*
*goes down ladder and starts to very slowly move towards the light. Checks on Andrew who passed out from the pain. Doesnt know anything about caring for people.
*The light is emanating from a pale blue crystal on the ceiling, Several more of these crystals hang down the long passage. As you near each one it lights and then dims as you walk away. It would quickly be obvious that stealth is not an option down here.*

((Oh and I like how your ignoring your injured comrade. It's not like he can't just stand and walk it off. It's only a broken femur.))
*Beepbobit tends to Andrew. He lifts Andrew's corpse and heaves it over his shoulder, hobbling after his other companions.
"Wait up!"
((OOC do I have any magic/healing stuff and or how do I get it?))
*The sound of heavy footsteps echo down the passage. Along the walls are several small alcoves that could be used to evade anything that comes your way. After a few moments the head of a large red reptile, in appearance to a cross between a frog and a T-Rex comes lumbering around a corner. It stands about 5' at the shoulder and turns to face you, as it spots you it opens it's large mouth and a dull red glow can be seen in the back of it's mouth.

((OOC: To get magic you'd need to find it later on the quest, and it would not be able to insti-heal a wound that large. As for the ladder it was mentioned in the section where the trap door opens))
((OOC but I want to be a lore master basically as in http://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Lore-master or a sorcerer as in Balance Druid aka boom kin or Holy Priest. Those would be the directions I would want for my magics if you could make that possible))
*Beepbobit looks surprised, but he stays calm. He places Andrew carefully behind a stalagmite and draws his Quarterstaff, taking an offensive position
*The red glow at the back of the beasts mouth turns to an orange before erupting forth in a ball of fire. As the ball of flame travels it expands into a sheet of flame large enough to fill the passage from side to side. The wooden supports at the sides are chard but not yet burning. Unless they are fast enough to get behind cover 2nd degree burns and clothing catching on fire would be inevitable.*
(( OOC
*The extremely rusty latch would crumble like dust letting the trap door fall inward under it's own weight. A rush of dusty air bursts out like steam from a geyser. A solid iron ladder leads down the passage to a small room where a single pale blue light shines*

I highlighted the point in question with red))
*The raging fire would char Dimitri, causing multiple burns and igniting his clothing. You can hear the sound of rock shattering but the after the fire clears the beast would be unharmed.*

*A loud crash is heard and a small tunnel is revealed at the side of the passage. If they made it into the tunnel before the beast fries them again they would notice it is walled and roofed entirely with metal. small glowing mushrooms line the sides along the long passage.*
*The longer Dimitri goes without extinguishing his burning clothing the worse his wounds will get. If he neglects it for to long he will likely die.*
(...Dimitri doesn't have a quarterstaff?? Short sword don't you..)
*beepbobit runs as fast as he can. He leaves Andrew: now his own survival is more important