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A serious question

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V2 Veteran
After half an hour of getting targeted on the bridge of morgul with nazgul I wondered this. Why is rik mod? He offers nothing that anyone else can offer other than being a try-hard at pvp. Instead of moderating the server who goes on other peoples accounts and gets 400+ killstreaks and says things like this. Moderators should keep the environment calm and fun, which at the end of the day is what we are all here for. I'm tired of this, his behavior ruins the fun on this server after the 20th spawncamp death by him in a quarter of a game. Like, it's not even his own account that he is using naz on. Really? He goes out of his way to use someone else's donor privileges to ruin our games. He is not gaining anything, other than boosting another persons stats. What kind of mod does that, clearly one who doesn't care about the players. Wtf.

-nerf naz 2016
-mods should be thoughtful about players (there was even a few new players on, and does it really make them want to stay if they have no chance at getting anywhere...? Especially when a mod is dominating the game getting more kills in one life than the whole gondor team added up.)

I understand trying out naz maybe with someones account but getting a 400+ killstreak on someone else's account when you could be using your main account and actually moderate the server is just overkill.
Omg stan took his precious time to make this http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/demote-riku-2 and no one reads it. :(
Honestly I'm usually completely against any kind of anit-staff threads or anything of the like, but from what I've seen, and it's probably relatively little, Riku hasn't demonstrated the ability to act in a mature and reasonable manner while on the server. Yes he is a great PvPer, but in terms of moderating and acting mature, he seems a bit lacking in my opinion. I'm not saying this to hate on Riku, I think he's a cool person and fun to play with, but I think he's a much better player than moderator. So that's my say on this, I'll leave the rest to the Sr. Staff Members to figure out.
Honestly I'm usually completely against any kind of anit-staff threads or anything of the like, but from what I've seen, and it's probably relatively little, Riku hasn't demonstrated the ability to act in a mature and reasonable manner while on the server. Yes he is a great PvPer, but in terms of moderating and acting mature, he seems a bit lacking in my opinion. I'm not saying this to hate on Riku, I think he's a cool person and fun to play with, but I think he's a much better player than moderator. So that's my say on this, I'll leave the rest to the Sr. Staff Members to figure out.

Riku is active though. One of the qualities many staffmembers don't have ;)
True, and a very good point. While the sight of a mod being online may deter problems, if he begins to act in a way that might encourage newer players who don't him as well as those who have been on the server for sometime, it could cause a snowball effect and may lead to a situation in the future where someone could claim with proof saying "Well the MOD did it, why can't I?".

Though I digress, I guess it's a lot easier to point out flaws than what he does do to help.
Yeah I am immature but I didnt take mod for moderating chat. I took it to ban every god damn hacker in existence which 1 year ago was a massive issue. While I might not act very mod-like I can assure you when it comes to detecting hackers I am definitely up there. I dont agree with the reasonable manner bit tho D:
Yeah I am immature but I didnt take mod for moderating chat. I took it to ban every god damn hacker in existence which 1 year ago was a massive issue. While I might not act very mod-like I can assure you when it comes to detecting hackers I am definitely up there. I dont agree with the reasonable manner bit tho D:
You only ban hackers if they ruin your killstreaks.
Whats the so bad with him getting killstreaks on other accounts?
Whats the so bad with him getting killstreaks on other accounts?
-Game gets ruined for gondor
-noobs ragequit
-new players decide to never play
-an opportunity to have a fun, fair game with a moderator is lost because he feels the need to get 400+ kills in one life rather than sacrificing that desire is lost.
-siege now becomes boring because it's the Rikumaru show where we all get to watch him get huge killstreaks (might I remind you siege has few players now a days so he is killing the same 10-15 people on gondor over and over), even though he himself has stated kill streaks mean nothing as nazgul- so why do it then riku?

Back when donor classes were point and there were many players on at a time it was fine, but now at this point it's just annoying and ridiculous.
[quote user_id="11532960" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Dr_olex/74.png" name="Dr_olex"]Whats the so bad with him getting killstreaks on other accounts?
-Game gets ruined for gondor
-noobs ragequit
-new players decide to never play
-an opportunity to have a fun, fair game with a moderator is lost because he feels the need to get 400+ kills in one life rather than sacrificing that desire is lost.
-siege now becomes boring because it's the Rikumaru show where we all get to watch him get huge killstreaks (might I remind you siege has few players now a days so he is killing the same 10-15 people on gondor over and over), even though he himself has stated kill streaks mean nothing as nazgul- so why do it then riku?

Back when donor classes were point and there were many players on at a time it was fine, but now at this point it's just annoying and ridiculous.[/quote]
The first 3 can appeal to anyone who can get high killstreaks. Him doing it on other accounts doesnt make andifference, right?

I do however agree on the last 2, i dont really see how siege can still be enjoyable if you play nazgul and go for a 1k killstreak every time, killing the same people over and over again. Espicially for him
I personally think the best way to solve this m4rine is by contacting Riku via PM, or even Tim, if you don't feel like talking to Riku directly, instead of making a thread about it to publically bash Riku :P
What are we talking about? a lot of mod are 15 years old according to what they say! some people use to play only when they are offline! if you go to see the reports you will see that they don't ban people who they play with that are doing spawnkill, they just ignore every post. As a result people can play a game, start complaining and inevitably go away.
What are we talking about? a lot of mod are 15 years old according to what they say! some people use to play only when they are offline! if you go to see the reports you will see that they don't ban people who they play with that are doing spawnkill, they just ignore every post. As a result people can play a game, start complaining and inevitably go away.
What you just said made literally no sense.
if you go to see the reports you will see that they don't ban people who they play with that are doing spanwkill, they just annoy any post. As a result people can play a game, start complaining and inevitably go away.

Not true, actually. Quite a few of the 'veterans' have gotten their feathers ruffled when I banned them for spawnkill, and can still be quite salty.
Riku is active though. One of the qualities many staffmembers don't have ;)
Is it really a quality you shoud be proud to have? If that's the only reason, there ARE better choices for staff. If Riku's only quality is to be online, as you say, then that's not much. I like Riku, don't get me wrong. He helped by /kill-ing me when I was glitched in the game and we had chats before. This thread surprised me because I assumed that everything was fine. I'm speaking objecively.
[quote user_id="6137746" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/m4rine_semperfi/74.png" name="m4rine_semperfi"][quote user_id="11532960" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Dr_olex/74.png" name="Dr_olex"]Whats the so bad with him getting killstreaks on other accounts?[/quote]
-Game gets ruined for gondor
-noobs ragequit
-new players decide to never play
-an opportunity to have a fun, fair game with a moderator is lost because he feels the need to get 400+ kills in one life rather than sacrificing that desire is lost.
-siege now becomes boring because it's the Rikumaru show where we all get to watch him get huge killstreaks (might I remind you siege has few players now a days so he is killing the same 10-15 people on gondor over and over), even though he himself has stated kill streaks mean nothing as nazgul- so why do it then riku?

Back when donor classes were point and there were many players on at a time it was fine, but now at this point it's just annoying and ridiculous.[/quote]
2 and 3 are the same. 1 is subjective, because the game always gets supposedly ruined for the losing team. 4 and 5 are the same and it's the same with every player, mods getting 400+ killstreaks is the same if some other player would get it. Nerfing the class would fix everything again.
Even though I'm generally inactive in-game and shouldn't be talking about anything important I want to say my quick thoughts after reading this thread.

I think that being a mod shouldn't disable you from PvPing other players. But if you PvP so much that it's literally becoming a distraction towards your moderation then there could be an issue. Riku often plays on his alts in-game rather then his main account so he can PvP instead of moderating (which requires more effort) I don't think moderators should be able to do this every single day because it's evading the reason for the tag itself.

Riku is very active which is a good thing, but hopefully instead of going on alts he can moderate the server and make good use of his time. (Which is well-needed.)
[quote user_id="2931363" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Mr_CookieSmurf/74.png" name="Mr_CookieSmurf"]

Riku is active though. One of the qualities many staffmembers don't have ;)

You may be active, but that doesn't mean you help.
That is what a mod is there to do, or am I mistaken?[/quote]
[quote user_id="4140781" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Killmatronix/74.png" name="Killmatronix"][quote user_id="2931363" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Mr_CookieSmurf/74.png" name="Mr_CookieSmurf"]Riku is active though. One of the qualities many staffmembers don't have ;)[/quote]
Is it really a quality you shoud be proud to have? If that's the only reason, there ARE better choices for staff. If Riku's only quality is to be online, as you say, then that's not much. I like Riku, don't get me wrong. He helped by /kill-ing me when I was glitched in the game and we had chats before. This thread surprised me because I assumed that everything was fine. I'm speaking objecively.

Seems like the both of you didn't get my comment; The point of it wasn't that being active is a good quality (even though it is guys), it was to joke about m4rine critising a staff member (Riku) who actually is active, in comparision to like most of the staff team, including myself.
Seems like the both of you didn't get my comment; The point of it wasn't that being active is a good quality (even though it is guys), it was to joke about m4rine critising a staff member (Riku) who actually is active, in comparision to like most of the staff team, including myself.
I meant the staff that is never active. I misunderstood you, as well. I did not see it as a joke. I am sorry, I assumed that you were speaking it as a fact and not as a joke.
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