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All staff ever on EW

wasn"t there a mod called dimitri or something?
[quote user_id="7503051" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/De_Mik/74.png" name="De_Mik"]wasn"t there a mod called dimitri or something?

DimitriP_13421 was never a moderator[/quote]

How dare you!
dimitri676 was his name, got this from Sauronius' account.
That's an interesting one. The only thing I can thing of is that he was a ClashWars mod, along with the likes of Kadowster, Arlathen and Carantella. But I honestly don't remember the name.

Edit: Yes, same guy as Dimithrian.
If i'm correct there were talks about merging EW and ClashWars, or atleast have a staff cross-over.
If i'm correct there were talks about merging EW and ClashWars, or atleast have a staff cross-over.
Yeah it was gonna be a full on merge (EW was going to be a minigame in ClashWars I think). But due to various reasons it never went ahead (thank god).
Two years have passed since I posted this, and a lot has changed since then. As such, I've updated this (now monstrously long) image. Click on it to open larger.


I've also added this fun little image about how many Mods & Premods & Head Mods we've had at a time.

Lock wasn't around in pre Lotr 2012, only one I remember before me was n00b_mafia, were a bunch more but I don't remember them or never really clicked with them.
Lock wasn't around in pre Lotr 2012, only one I remember before me was n00b_mafia, were a bunch more but I don't remember them or never really clicked with them.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll give it an edit ;)
Nice to see you around too!
You missed one staff member. I actually got the Owner rank for about 2 seconds from Tim once.
personally I don't consider them being staff members... Except perhaps old builders, like Makz or others
Updated for 2020

A lot has changed since Empire War Siege was first put up on the 11th November 2012, both in-game and in the wider world. We're all 8 years older, for one. For those of us who have been around for most or all of that time, it can be a surreal experience looking back through this site at all the people who we once knew and those who have come before us.

And honestly, as a Moderator/Admin/Owner, it's completely bizarre looking back at what I was doing on EW in 2013 and I couldn't have possibly imagined I'd be here today. Looking at the staff history is oddly humbling in a way, considering I've only been around in a staff capacity for a fraction of the time this server's been around.

My aim is to ensure this server is in a good enough state that future generations can continue to come and go, as we will at some point, most likely.

Anyway - enough rambling. For those of you interested in Empire War Lore, the staff history chart has got far too large to fit on one image, so here is a link to a Google Sheets of it so you can explore yourself:
