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Erebor Sucks

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Arrow Spamming is still a thing even with the change archer can kill any class easily it doesn't take much of anything to arrow spam.
ok what about this : make gundabad a bit more like a dale swordsman
add dwarf hammerer and as counter for him a pale orc class , both for like 10k points?
Yah i would if liked hammerer instead of swordsman, swordsman just sucks and tim wont buff it and i guess i have to deal with it that way :P
Yah we get 3 hit killed and we 5 hit kill them, plus that knockback means we are never even close to getting that many hits on them. Hammerer has a better weapon, used on two maps, knockback too, more armor and resistance, a gundabad counter. So hammerer is the best class their is, but doesnt rival nazgul.
Dude, I am having the time of my life right now. Hiking, running, swimming, and fucking around with your friends is the best.
CBA reading through all the comments, and I haven't played it yet, but I think it's a bad idea to play this with less than 30 players online.
Dude, I am having the time of my life right now. Hiking, running, swimming, and fucking around with your friends is the best.

Yah we get 3 hit killed and we 5 hit kill them, plus that knockback means we are never even close to getting that many hits on them. Hammerer has a better weapon, used on two maps, knockback too, more armor and resistance, a gundabad counter. So hammerer is the best class their is, but doesnt rival nazgul.
Seriously? You're doing this again? What you are saying is total bullshit. Dale Swordsmen are way stronger in weapons than Gundabad, you're just being stupid.
Maybe move to a move constructive thread? :)
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