• Make sure to read the forum rules before creating a new thread or commenting on someone else's thread. The forum rules can be read on this page.

Forum game: Ban the Person

Banned for encouraging Victas's rulebreaking:

"2. No necro-posting
You are not allowed to revive very old (over a month) threads by commenting on them and bringing the situation up again. If you are to be willing to discuss the same subject again, but it has not been discussed for a long time, you should not comment on it and leave the thread for its being. Instead create a new thread about the subject."

I don't know what the other staff think about this, but I'm gonna let this slip. I'd much rather allow forum games to flourish than stifle them as one gets going again.
Banned for encouraging Victas's rulebreaking:

"2. No necro-posting
You are not allowed to revive very old (over a month) threads by commenting on them and bringing the situation up again. If you are to be willing to discuss the same subject again, but it has not been discussed for a long time, you should not comment on it and leave the thread for its being. Instead create a new thread about the subject."

I don't know what the other staff think about this, but I'm gonna let this slip. I'd much rather allow forum games to flourish than stifle them as one gets going again.
So should I have made a new forum game ban the person?
[quote user_id="9802996" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Tobberz/74.png" name="Tobberz"]Banned for encouraging Victas's rulebreaking:

"2. No necro-posting
You are not allowed to revive very old (over a month) threads by commenting on them and bringing the situation up again. If you are to be willing to discuss the same subject again, but it has not been discussed for a long time, you should not comment on it and leave the thread for its being. Instead create a new thread about the subject."

I don't know what the other staff think about this, but I'm gonna let this slip. I'd much rather allow forum games to flourish than stifle them as one gets going again.
So should I have made a new forum game ban the person?[/quote]
Yeah basically, but it's fine.

Also, banned for having a 'french Mod' signature on a website where you aren't a Mod :(