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Increase the number of planks for the Constructor class

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Staff member
V2 Legend
Constructor class is being not effective with such a small number of maximum planks that you can have in your inventory. I suggest to increase it at least that it is 6 blocks.
There can also be like 6 blocks in the beginning and when you click a chest you get only 4.
make it get more planks with the more players online? should be doable;

if there is less than 10 online:
4 planks
if there is more than 10 online:
6 planks
if there is more than 20 online:
8 planks?
While having more planks would be nice, it would make refilling the gates go much faster. So you'd have to raise the number of planks required to fix gates also.
Personally I think this would make constructor a LOT more obnoxious to play against.
It's less fun if you're not a constructor and bashing a gate for forever. So 6+ planks is out of the question IMO.
6 at the start and 4 on resupply seems like an okay idea though, just like how you start with 10 pork but can only resupply up to 5.
Keep in mind that since a constructor is usually playing defensive, and restock chests are available a lot, they can, most of the time, just continuesly restock. Because of this, I think the amount of wood is fine.
I think the problem at the moment is that constructors can't build any defenses. They only have four blocks at a time so they can't build a barricade or a wall easily. If the only job a constructor had was to repair and reinforce gates then it would be fine.
I think the problem at the moment is that constructors can't build any defenses. They only have four blocks at a time so they can't build a barricade or a wall easily. If the only job a constructor had was to repair and reinforce gates then it would be fine.
What if wood was made exclusive to purpose? For instance, oak wood could only repair gates and birch wood could only be used to build defenses. And constructors got 4 oak and 6-8 birch on spawn.
Maybe make supply chest and arrow barrel more rare to Nerf the defenders and their archers?
(Buff the attackers, raise the plank block number to 6 and nerf the archers which is the main reason of noobs to quit the server)
Maybe make supply chest and arrow barrel more rare to Nerf the defenders and their archers?
(Buff the attackers, raise the plank block number to 6 and nerf the archers which is the main reason of noobs to quit the server)
Only on certain areas, like the helms deep wall or the cove wall. Cause making it impossible to refill arrows defeats the purpose of the archer class.
I feel like even with 4 wood and easily being able to restock, you can still build defences. Maybe not massive towers, but definitely some barricades and walls, which is where constructor was meant for.
stfu, constructor was meant for towers too #RememberMinasTirithLastStand
Yeah, let's tell the server owner to shut the fuck up, will really make your point come across. And you're telling me that I'm wrong about what the class I MADE was meant for? The only person who decides what it was meant for is me.
[quote user_id="9121890" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/zoomerenhd/74.png" name="zoomerenhd"]stfu, constructor was meant for towers too #RememberMinasTirithLastStand
Yeah, let's tell the server owner to shut the fuck up, will really make your point come across. And you're telling me that I'm wrong about what the class I MADE was meant for? The only person who decides what it was meant for is me.[/quote]
laugh et loud

Constructor isn't an offensive class anymore. Maybe have 2 blocks more on spawn and get 4 with restock, but it's not that bad now.
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