But the dwarves is litteraly crushing rocks[/quote][quote user_id="11532960" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Dr_olex/74.png" name="Dr_olex"]But nobody cares about stinky disgusting dwarves, or those cocky, to-good-for-you elves. Those mighty fine rocks are the very best.[quote user_id="8973153" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/pasta20/74.png" name="pasta20"]no, if you Think hobbits are cooler its fine but i want to know if you like dwarves or elves most
But you are making many many smaller rocks. You're just helping us multiply! MUAHAHAHAHA[/quote]
He's right, the rocks cannot be defeated or destroyed. They secretly rule us. We just dun't know it.