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Our Memories.

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I joined April 2013 and joined the core map. I was like ' what is this? ' I run around as a goblin charge madly at the wall and got shot down.

Rp : The Nuking of Forlond/Demon Attacks/ throwing a snowball at beastly causing him to fall of what remained of Forlond bridge to his death :3

Best memory in general would probably be those ^ but on siege my best memory is finding splash health potions in Sauron's house as armoured troll.

Favourite members : Henri, Ice, Sauronius, Leon, Thalin, Anrza, Everybody, Polar, Dimitri, Cookies, Evako and Dyl
My first time was during the battle for moria getting whipped left and right :p
Never saw RP...
Best memory would go to Sauronius and I standing both as trolls capturing the main gate of minas tirith :LOL:
Fave member of the community would go to witchking10 or Sauronius
First time on the server:

Uh, Jezus. More then 2 years back. I remember when a Roman Roleplaying server went down, where I was an admin on, so I left with jsmen1 to EW (Remember him Prom :D?) It was back to the older RP days, so I spawned on an epic floating island connected with chains to other islands. Jsmen1 was already member of the world of Frost, so I joined him.

Best memory of RP:

Arsandia STRONK

Best memory in general:

Strength boost was good. Getting called a hacker a million times is still good.

Favorite Member of the Community:

Prometheus, I know him for almost 3 years I think, even more is possible.
Other then him, Dwight, Mike, Hents, BioNub, Tibbi, Mark, Pirate BlockBeard, Wacko, Andrew, Beep, Ice, MD and Only are also pretty cool guys!

Speaking of which, you should totally relaunch the ancient RP server (So not the latest one) Tibbi. Frost and those two elemental countries were pretty cool!
2 days before the coming of the roleplay server. I was like wtf is this? I was on Moria. Dwarf ftw. I got owned and didn't know crap so I accused Gundabads of hax because of their different stuff.
Favorite rp thing were the sieges of Cair Andros and the Hunting of Anrza. :evil:
Favorite memory was when I 360 no-scope didn't-even-know-it-was-there killed a Nazgul with my spear.
Favorite members were/are Cookie and Anrza because they are some of the few who actually speak/spoke words of wisdom and kept their cool. Plus I looked up to them. (I won't admit it in court, though) But I love you all, even Beep, who I dislike sometimes. <3

And thank you, Ithe, Wacko, and . . . SMURF MAH NAME IS THUBIONERD. xD
first time on was may 2012
favotie time on or map: when twgxslugger showed me how to hold on to people longer so i coul dget him up the wall( a naz-gul i was).... i know its cheating but i as bord,

best staff is tim. i love all the time he put into the server and he created somthing awesome.
<3 the staff, dont stop
First time on the server:

I don't think my official joining in the Server (2012, I think) it's worthy to be remembered. I think this summer is what we should remember: when I joined the Community.

Best memory in general:

The day I did a 14 killstreak with a troll and the day where I killed 3 balrogs :).

Favorite Member of the Community:

Titan_Kronos_, beepbobit, ThuBioNerd, Mr_CookieSmurf, DimitriP_13421, Anrza and Weby (until those guys were...you know), NECRO and many others.

Well, mine is not a great story but this is one of my favorite servers. I'm really sorry most of the people is leaving because of the humans (Microsoft, EULA, Noobs...)
First time on the server:
My friend Epicpinguin told me about Empirewar, back in the days before siege. So i joined him on here, also joined the faction he was in, together with Mr_CookieSmurf, stephen5000 and Jsmen1, had a lot of fun playing. Then all the sudden i logged on this great small survival faction like roleplay-ish server, and BOOM it had become siege.

Best memory of RP:
Arsandia STRONK
^ that covers it :3
thats about the pre-siege RP server to clarify

My best memory of the other RP server was probably just going around on a hella quick horse raiding huge factions, who then got mad at other huge factions because they thought the other huge factions did the raiding. :D

Best memory in general:
the first month of siege the original original helmsdeep map, i loved everything about it; mages jumping over the walls. 2x3 gates that were bashed in 5 hits, even the oldschool pre-horses rohirrim (pigriders for the freakin win)

Favorite Member of the Community:
Technically sjoerdtim aka tibbles, because without him i wouldnt have met the other incredibly nice people on this server.
not gonna name specific people because i dont wanna forget any1 so i just dont bother :P
First time on the server:
Hmm, quite a while back, when Helms Deep was really small, with a little ram and a tiny tower. I joined with a couple of friends but only one really stuck to the server with me - CorruptWombat, a treasured member of the community, top donator for a long time and an all round cool guy, who doesn't play MC anymore, but oh well. I remember joining Empire War (one of the first multiplayer servers I joined, except for some Survival Games server and Wombat's private server) on Helms and getting demolished by Trolls when I tried jumping off the wall as an archer, fighting with my stick like a good 'ol newb. I rage quit for a couple of months, but rejoined and slowly got the hang of PvP and stayed because of the community. <3

Best RP Memory:
I would say the demon attacks were my favorite like everyone else, or some of the meta attacks us Reddagerians committed against the Ilthilien Dam, or pretending to be a Blackfyrian Innkeep as I spied in a very meta-manner, but I preferred the quiet moments of building and dwelling within the RedDagger hideout hidden in the Deep Grove.. Until of course livold3000 and Anrza went crazy killing our own members and giving us a bad name, as well as us being an MVP club of strip-mining, powergaming, warmongering, metagaming, assholes..

Best Memory in General:
Wow, so many. But I think the parkour trails made in the lobbies of Moria were really fun, I died so many times because of those pesky jumps, but it was great.

Favorite Member:
There are so many names I can think of: Hents, great PvPer and guy, Leon, future Moderator and an old friend, Thu, passionate for RP and has a peculiar lust for bearded women, Beep, an all-round great guy and fair DM, Icecream, who's name always made me hungry, Everybody, founder of Blackfyre and a future Moderator, Dimitri, a strange, strange man, Riko, an Inuit at hear, Polarnik the bear, founder of RedDagger, Dwight, founder of Ilthilien, InfamousG, wonderful builder and great Roleplayer, lem, who's terraforming skills baffle me to this very day, lotrloz, the quiet guy who was the best archer, Mike, passionate for Ilthilien and a man who likes to go down if a ship is sinking, Mark, great archer and odd fellow, MD, TRUE King of the dwarves and amazing archer, gele, with his spongy face, Dyl, a cool Brit with a fascination for dwarves, Only_Gewd, ermagherd he buerlt erl orf erzgilierth, Titan, and his ever lasting passion for creativity, Antzorg, a rad guy, Prometheus, who is known for his valiant efforts to help the community (a touchy subject for some, but I still keep my opinion, arrogant as ever), the wit, wisdom and humor of Cookie, Anrza, the archer who's honesty, logic and intelligence goes unquestioned (except for some cases >.>), but, I'd have to say Tim is the best.
Seeing all the hard work he has put into our entertainment; he created this network and community, coded ALL the maps and classes, does a lot of website work for the Forums, and is currently doing loads of behind the scenes bug-fixes and whatnot as well as trying to keep himself sane at the same time, he really deserves a medal. G'job, Tim. :thumb:
Thu, passionate for RP and has a peculiar lust for bearded women

Bio be like:

First time on the serverSome point mid jan - feb 2013. I think it was the Old moria. I remember that I hated the server and was a real big spammer :P (soz tim)
Best memory of RP I was on holiday in the 2 weeks it was up XD I was part of ilithien though!
Favorite playersThis personaly is a very very hard one for me... I love the comunity like a second family and would do anything to keep it that way. But If I was to choose it would be Teamjoshben7, Polar, Wacko, hents, fj, me, thu, leo, Sjoerdo0, makz and ofc the rest of the staff But I would have picked you all if I had the time :/
best memory in generalHaving friends like you!
Okay, so hello everybody. I guess I'll make on of these too.

First time on the server:
I just looked at skype. Back when I started playing at empirewar I added farmeraap on skype.. The day that I send ''do you want to add me on skype'' mesage is on: 24-12-2011.. Dayum, that's a long time ago. I've met him on empire war, so I have to be playing at least since 24-12-2011. I can confirm if you want me to. (siege didn't exist, rp's didn't, it was just a faction server).

Best RP Memory:
I have sooooo many.. I think sjoerdtim had at least 3/4 RP servers which I all participated in.. ARSANDIA! killing huge factions! the boat @mr_cookiesmurf&jsmen&gelekaasvlek . I think 'the boat' was the best. We just build a random boat on land because there was going to be a map reset and gathered a shit load of stuff. The boat didn't get copied though :'(. And just a lot more.. If I was going to write everthing down it would take me a few hours. But I won't sorry.

Best memory in general:
Factions: skyland maps. With some kind of aircraftplugin using gold&wool we could make cool flying things and raid other bases :D that was so cool. Very old players can relate. Ofcourse the air-water-earth-fire map was cool :D, with me on air.. everybody wanted to go on air.. I still remember myself stripmining for diamonds for an hour not knowing there were no diamonds in the ground.. Ugh

EDIT HERE: the first donator is my best memory! I just remembered. His ign was aaron, he can be proud to be the first ever donator donating $5 to sjoerdtim haha.. Too bad I don't have contact with him any more (and his nephew dani). sjoerdtim made some kind of temple where a sign was with his name in.. with like 24 open spots for more people. He should do this again rofl

Favorite Members of the Community:
Just everybody I know from back in the days. I don't play on the server that much anymore.
First time on the server.

A few weeks after Siege was released Tim invited me over to build for him. He knew I was trusted and could handle moderating, since I was admin on his favorite faction server FantasyWar (Now known as ClashWar). I first declined. But a few months later he returned with the same offer. Empirewar had received quite a significant player base by then. So I thought I'd give it a go! I built Moria gold as a test, took me about 4-6 hours. And then wham! I was mod, only been online for half a day before receiving mod. #QuickestModRankEver

Fun factor, when I started using the forums I decided to get more likes then posts. Idk why, just thought that be an achievement ^^
<<<<<<<<<<<<< Yeeea

Best Rp memory:

I noticed that most peoples favorite rp memory was from my Demon attacks. And I am really, really glad it was apparently that awesome! I didn't even have Tim's permission when I started doing it, I was a bit scared some one would report me and I'd receive a bit of a yelling from Tim. That's why I was so anonymous and not announcing it was me when spawning the demon gates.

My favorite memory is when I was building a demon tnt cannon a bit away hidden from sight outside the Cair Andros main wall. But apparently I had forgotten to turn on my invis! So soon enough everyone in the castle ran up to me in a group and just starred at me and my cannon. I felt like a little kid who just got busted doing a very bad deed. So I slowly typed in the command to turn invis. And the moment I went invis, the whole group just ran back to the castle knowing they were in trouble. and they also yelled stuff like "We saw nothing!" It all was really awkward and funny.

Best Siege memories:

I don't have one specific really awesome memory. But my favorite times is when I stay up till early in the morning, half stoned due to the lack of sleep and just chatting with people whiles playing. I fear I might do something really stupid one of those nights when I turn 18.

Favorite community members:

Except for some of the staff. Beepbobit, none of you probably realize how much I like him (As a friend).
And here's a few people who usually makes my day better: Everybody13,Emperor_Daniel, Evakobold, Cookie, Hents, Leo, Hents, Slimegirl, ItzDipsey, Wacko, Mark, Md, Quirky, Probram, icecream, Fj, Antzorg, Ardard, Polar and prob a few more I don't have on my mind just yet :p

Best Rp memory:

I noticed that most peoples favorite rp memory was from my Demon attacks. And I am really, really glad it was apparently that awesome! I didn't even have Tim's permission when I started doing it, I was a bit scared some one would report me and I'd receive a bit of a yelling from Tim. That's why I was so anonymous and not announcing it was me when spawning the demon gates.

My favorite memory is when I was building a demon tnt cannon a bit away hidden from sight outside the Cair Andros main wall. But apparently I had forgotten to turn on my invis! So soon enough everyone in the castle ran up to me in a group and just starred at me and my cannon. I felt like a little kid who just got busted doing a very bad deed. So I slowly typed in the command to turn invis. And the moment I went invis, the whole group just ran back to the castle knowing they were in trouble. and they also yelled stuff like "We saw nothing!" It all was really awkward and funny.
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