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Outer Gondor Suggestion


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V1 Lord
Name: Edhellond Shieldbearer

Type: Class Package
Maps: Gondor Package maps, so.. Edhellond?

Weapons: Shield, Throwing Knife (2), Flail (Iron sword- Sharp 1, Sweeping Edge 3)

Equipment/Items: 3 Ladders, 10 Steak

Armor: Diamond chestplate, iron leggings, chain boots

Potion Effects: Slowness 1 or 2


Abilities: None

Extra Info: Shield design if possible


Why do you think your class should be added? It's a class that is most effective if used against crowds, therefor encouraging team battles rather than just 1v1s, something I think the server could benefit from.

Name: Anfalas BowmanAnfalas Bowman
Type: Class Package
Maps: Gondor Package maps, so.. Edhellond?

Weapons: Bow with 16 BLUNTED arrows (Less damage than normal, temporary blindess and slowness 1), Iron sword

Equipment/Items: 3 Ladders, 10 Steak

Armor: Iron chest, Leather leggings (light blue dye), Leather boots (light blue dye)

Potion Effects: Slowness 1


Abilities: None

Extra Info: Just the arrows. I'm not sure if there's a way to make them give less damage, blindess, and slowness


Why do you think your class should be added? It's not just an extremely powerful bowman, applying effects instead of strength to weaken enemies and help their team

Name: Gondorian Farmer
Type: Points (3000)
Maps: Gondor Package maps, so.. Edhellond?

Weapons: Pitchfork (Iron axe with Sharp 1) New trident

Equipment/Items: 3 Ladders, 10 Steak, Food chest (desc below)

Armor: Leather helmet, Leather chest
Potion Effects: Resistance 1


Abilities: Food chest. Restocks up to 10 food. Can be only be placed once, disappears on death. Gives 1 point for each restock.[/b

Extra Info: None


Why do you think your class should be added? It's a simple class with an added mechanic that slightly changes gameplay in support of a team.

Type: Class Package
Maps: Gondor Package maps, so.. Edhellond?

Weapons: Throwable torches, Iron sword

Equipment/Items: 3 Ladders, 10 Steak

Armor: Leather chest (Dyed red) (Flame resistance), Iron boots (Flame resistance)

Potion Effects: Speed 1


Abilities: None

Extra Info: Throwable torches are same as Rohan package ones


Why do you think your class should be added? I think it fits for the attack style of the Corsairs, burning and pillaging. It's most effective against large groups and breaking through lines, helping the attacking team.

Type: Class Package
Maps: Gondor Package maps, so.. Edhellond?

Weapons: Diamond Sword

Equipment/Items: 3 Ladders, 10 Steak

Armor: Iron Chest (Flame resistance), Leather leggings (Red dye) (Flame resistance)

Potion Effects: Speed 1


Abilities: None

Extra Info: None


Why do you think your class should be added? It's quick, and I hope it's a good class for an attacking team

Type: Points (3000)
Maps: Gondor Package maps, so.. Edhellond?

Weapons: Spear, Bow with 16 arrows

Equipment/Items: 3 Ladders, 10 Steak, 3 or 5 Traps

Armor: Leather chest, Chain leggings, Leather boots

Potion Effects: None


Abilities: None

Extra Info: Traps are pressure plates that give damage (2 hearts?) and slowness 1 for a few seconds when stepped on


Why do you think your class should be added? Has a new interesting mechanic. Requires support from teammates when engaged up close

Thoughts for changing?

  • Anfalas Recurve Bowman changed to Anfalas Bowman
  • Gondorian Farmer using trident (when added).
  • Gondorian Farmer added point giving
  • Corsair Raider and Corsair Plunderer completely removed to be edited
Edhellond Shieldbearer:
Knives + Shield is a new idea. However, I *think* our 1.8 pvp plugin disables sweep attacks, so that might be an issue.

Anfalas Recurve Bowman:
Not a very catchy name, I'd just go for Anfalas Bowman. Blindness is something which vexes people a lot, so it might be better to find a way to implement this without blindness being dealt every time you hit someone. Also, those debuffs are all very well, but in the end people want to gain something - and in archer's case, they generally want to kill things. Why would someone want to use an archer with less damage?

Gondorian Farmer:
Not sure about the name again. Also, in the next MC update we are getting tridents, so that could be used as a pitchfork perhaps. I do like the idea of a supporting element to more classes, and if this class got pts for each person that used their chest to restock, that'd be cool. However, there are really quite a few ender chests all over the place, so the nescesity to use one of these chests might not be there (though you do mention that it'd restock to 10 pork not 5). (Also, a pt class with special supporting abilities is always welcome).

Corsair Raider:
Too similar to Torcher I think, it might seem like a bit of a ripoff if two class packs have effectively the same class. However, I guess you could have a watered-down torcher class as a point class, let's say with 1 torch only.

Corsair Plunderer:
Just not very exciting :(

Hillman Hunter:
Now this *is* an exciting class. Bow + Spears? Ohoho! They would need something to melee with though, I guess they could hit people with their spear :p Traps are something I (and Steal, R.I.P.) had been lobbying for for many months, and Olex joined in later. However, Tim did deny them for whatever reason. Maybe he will reconsider.
Edhellond Shieldbearer:
If not, that'll be disappointing. I like the idea of being able to fight multiple people, hold them back, and get kills with the knives.

Anfalas Bowman: Agreed, name changed. If blindness isn't liked, then what do you think of using slowness arrows instead? So arrow damage would be the same plus a small buff.

Gondorian Farmer: I'll try to think of a new, creative name. I forgot about the tridents, so they'll probably work depending on when the update comes. I agree with the point thing for restocks- added. If the 10 pork isn't enough, maybe it could restock spears or arrows? Maybe like 5 arrows, so it gives more food than normal and less arrows?

Corsair Raider/Plunderer: Making new classes soon

Hillman Hunter: I was thinking that the debuff would be not having a melee. Bow + spears is quite a bit of power. Throwing in traps, they should be able to hold people back if playing right without needing a melee. However, we could add a smaller melee weapon. As for traps, we will make him rethink!

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Tobberz/74.png" name="Tobberz"]9802996[/user] Thanks for the feedback!
Maybe rename Gondor Farmer to Pelargir Marine? It would sound more interesting, and its use of a trident would still make sense. The food chest might not fit with that though, now that I think about it.