A Human, When in the morning, or as a baby, I crawls on all fours,
In its mid-life or afternoon it walks on 2 legs, and in the evening it walks on
3 legs as a Senior, With a cane as its 3rd leg.
((Do you guys ever go to school?! Or do you ever have fun on friday nights? During the school day I can't be expected to play))
*Takes the gold, leaves the longbow for someone who can use it
"It's like Kordian said, he knew the riddle"
(( I go to school from 8 am to 3 pm, and on fridays, I Game HARD-CORE ))
*says to beepbobit*
That 's the gold I scavenged
*Takes the gold beepbobit took from him*
*Gives half*
You can have some so when we find a mage's academy, we can
Enroll you there, For you could be a valuable asset to us, We'll find
a way to keep busy while you learn new spells and What have you.
*Takes the Arrows and longbow*
(( lol gaming in school? ))
*says* "we shouldn't take from the dead we should leave it to rest with them" *starts to walk the way the Sphinx said to go*
(( No, I don't game in school X_X I'd be killed >.> I just hardcore game from 3 pm-9 pm ))
*Gives the Hood to Dimitri*
You need it more, Since you and Andy are at the head of our formation, its more
fair you are more heavily armored.
Let's Move on! Stay in formation!
((which ever way we take ThuBioNerd is just gona have loads of traps il be up front since paladins saving throws are like 10+ of course that's at higher levels))