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Roleplay Adventure

The barman says, "Ered Luin? Never heard o' that ((Remember, this is a diferent world ;-) )), here, have this Dwarven malt. 's been in the cask for over eight months now. Best thing we got." He fills four pint tankards with thick, brown, frothing liquid, and places them on the counter. "That'll be eight gold each."
*Says to Bartender*
No thanks here's 1 gold coin for your trouble though
*Gives 1 gold coin*
Anyway, Do you have any adventures or quests you wish for me to do?
Wacko talks to the barman, and he says, "Alright, I'll lower it to five gold each. Quests, eh?" he says turning to Kordian, "Well, I ain't got any quests for ya, but she might." and he points with a stump of a finger to a hunched over figure in the corner. "Seems the most likely wench to know of any quests. Hardly leaves the tavern, that one. Been here for years."
One drink to rule them all, one drink to find them
One drink to pay for all and in the tavern bind them!
The old crone looks up from her little shot glass of warm milk. She mouthes for a moment before her vocal cords kick into action. "H-hello. What do you want? I'm just an old Gnome lady trying to enjoy my milk. Is it about the Wizard's Treasure?"
Sorry I'm late to the party
*A ragged looking man sits by the corner, fast asleep

Name:Beepbobit the Wise
Race: (aw damn no werewolves? An exception? :P) Human (1/16 elf but has no effect, I just brag about it, might not even be true)
Class: I want to be bard, but I'm not sure I want stanzas, exactly. I mean bard more in a sense of like Homer, writing poetry and reading old stuff. So, I guess that could be Cleric, but my title would be Bard
Physical description: Short, brown hair, blue-grey eyes. Very tall, and well kept, but looks tired almost all the time. Young, but seems old
Physical/mental attributes: Though not extremely strong, but quite fit, i.e. good endurance. Intelligent from a lot of time reading, but also has had many experiences which caused him to be wise. Not the most charismatic either, but can handle his longsword and a bow with ease.
Weapons & armor: Longsword? If this is not valid, then can I have a quarterstaff? Cloth robes hide weak leather armor.
Other gear: Robes from his day as a student are now a bit distressed. Keeps the basics of survival, small amount of food, bedroll, candle, water skin, in his back-pack, which also seems state of the art but worn, as if many years ago's model.
Languages known: Common, Elvish, Draconic if applicable
Spells: I would want spells like the Loremaster in LOTRO, so a per encounter would be like "lore of the ancients" which would scare evil creatures. But if you wanna go with more canon stuff, then basic Cleric spells/prayers, but I would worship Pelor or the Raven Queen, or the goddess of wisdom whose name I am blanking on.
I could also get bard spells if our group needs one, I'm just not the singing kinda guy, more of the war-shout/ancient lore side of the bard.
Hope this works, I'll jump in when I can
Quarterstaff is fine. Draconic . . . meh. Applicable. Canon, non-canon, as long as it's not op. ;-)
Just talk to them after they talk to the old lady. :)

Welcome to the adventure, Beepbopit the Wise, the 93.75 parts Human Cleric and Bard!
Name: Dimitri
Race: Half man, half elf
Physical description: Unknown
Physical/ mental attributes: Strong
Weapons and armor: Handaxe and leather
Languages:Common and elvish
The old hag takes another sip of her warm milk, coughs, and begins.

"Many years ago, before I was born, there lived a man named Aurelius. He was a sorcerer of great power, and ventured far into the field of arcane arts. He amassed wealth, as well, for many came to him with their problems, and he was also able to crack many tombs and strongboxes sealed with magic. He died many years ago, and was buried in The Labyrinth, a maze of unimaginable complexity, in the center of which is his laboratory. But his treasure is still there. He doubtless put many magical wards on it, and all know the Labyrinth is practically lousy with traps, but I'm sure brave adventurers such as yourselves can defeat them and claim the treasure, especially the most valuable possession of all. He kept many magical items, all of which are doubtless stored with his treasure, and the greatest of these items was a bracelet which, when worn, could make a man stronger and wiser than any other man ((Str +10, Wis +10)). This was worn by the Wizard at all times and he was apparently buried with it on his wrist. And now I'm going to tell you a secret which only I know. I heard the alarm go off when you tried to open that house out there. Well, that was the Wizard's house. I believe the Labyrinth entrance to be hidden somewhere in there. Good luck!"

And she goes back to her milk and begins gumming a carrot.
*Says to his group*
Well then, Shall we go? But I believe we should leave the ring with him, It would
divide us, and It would be inappropriate, I believe that what a person is buried with,
stays with for eternity, Now let's go, and let's get a Long strand of rope for us,
We'll need to find our way back won't we?
*hears it and begins to head towards kordian. "You. I want to get into that place. So do you. Let us get some more men and enter this place."
Ok My group will take you too, we shall all split our
*Goes over to the House*
Well? let's search this place
*Begins to search the Living room*