Sorry I'm late to the party
*A ragged looking man sits by the corner, fast asleep
Name:Beepbobit the Wise
Race: (aw damn no werewolves? An exception?

) Human (1/16 elf but has no effect, I just brag about it, might not even be true)
Class: I want to be bard, but I'm not sure I want stanzas, exactly. I mean bard more in a sense of like Homer, writing poetry and reading old stuff. So, I guess that could be Cleric, but my title would be Bard
Physical description: Short, brown hair, blue-grey eyes. Very tall, and well kept, but looks tired almost all the time. Young, but seems old
Physical/mental attributes: Though not extremely strong, but quite fit, i.e. good endurance. Intelligent from a lot of time reading, but also has had many experiences which caused him to be wise. Not the most charismatic either, but can handle his longsword and a bow with ease.
Weapons & armor: Longsword? If this is not valid, then can I have a quarterstaff? Cloth robes hide weak leather armor.
Other gear: Robes from his day as a student are now a bit distressed. Keeps the basics of survival, small amount of food, bedroll, candle, water skin, in his back-pack, which also seems state of the art but worn, as if many years ago's model.
Languages known: Common, Elvish, Draconic if applicable
Spells: I would want spells like the Loremaster in LOTRO, so a per encounter would be like "lore of the ancients" which would scare evil creatures. But if you wanna go with more canon stuff, then basic Cleric spells/prayers, but I would worship Pelor or the Raven Queen, or the goddess of wisdom whose name I am blanking on.
I could also get bard spells if our group needs one, I'm just not the singing kinda guy, more of the war-shout/ancient lore side of the bard.
Hope this works, I'll jump in when I can