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Roleplay Adventure

The window shatters, but immediately a cold sensation, like ice, starts to overcome you all.
Dimitri succumbs to it, and is immediately hit with a wave of frost. He takes 1 damage.
Wackin feels the effects, and while not injured, the cold slows him by 1 square (3 ft) until the DM says otherwise.
Beep feels little other than the chilling sensation.
Fundin shrugs it off easily.
El'Somithir is equally unaffected.
Andy barely even notices it's there.
Name: Fingador
Race: Elf
Class: Rogue
Physical description: tall,darkhaired, stern
Physical/Mental abilities: swift,stealthy,friendly
Weapons: bow is best and then long sword
Languages: Common, Elvish, some of sindarian tongue
((I am still in the bar lol, so I wouldn't have been effected any who))
*Casually follows the group, staying at a distance. Sees that they enter and feels a chill, but nothing serious. Keeps them within sight, whether this means entering the house or whatever. Keeps his quarterstaff on the ready as well, in case he needs to fight something.
*Thinks to himself*
I am getting tired of wandering these woods for so long. It has been 8 years since I left my father to dawdle in these wild lands, and must go back to society. Let me go to the large village I once saw while I was hunting.
()---0----2 days later---0---()
*Walks by the house and sees a group of six people attempting to break into a house*
You guys need to learn how to break into a house
*Tosses Kordian his analace*
Jab that into the lock and turn. It should help you open the door.

You have to wait for thu to welcome you into the house you fool. He hasnt even read your application.
((Wait a second, akam starts out with sick *ss gear and a lock pick and gets to be a well-known elite ranger and sh*t and I can't even have a lousy longsword?! :P))
*Gives self longsword
*Gives self mithril armor ((April fools!))
*Speaks up.
" I don't believe you should be breaking in in the first place, master elf. Perhaps you should reconsider your actions? Some sort of magic protects this place, we must think before we act again. A well known and obviously well equipped ranger like you shouldn't always consider yourself immune to the darknesses of this world."
*A cloud seems to cover the sun, and the world seems to darken slightly at Beepbobit's harsh words
((Ok, ok, ladies. xD
Akam, they've already broken the window. You can't be well-known. No lock-pick. Shortbow. Sorry. :) ))

You enter the house. Kordian begins to examine the furniture. He finds a lot of lint, dust, and mouse droppings, but nothing else.
Dimitri finds a longsword (1d8 damage) on a hook by the mantlepiece. He grasps the sword handle and tugs. The sword comes off, and slowly the flagstones on the hearth slide aside, revealing a stone staircase leading down into blackness. A rush of cold, dank, moldy air embraces you, then tip-toes away to mingle with the rest of the air.
((Ok, ok, Dimitri. xD
Akam, they've already broken the window. :) ))

You enter the house. Kordian begins to examine the furniture. He finds a lot of lint, dust, and mouse droppings, but nothing else.
Dimitri finds a longsword (1d8 damage) on a hook by the mantlepiece. He grasps the sword handle and tugs. The sword comes off, and slowly the flagstones on the hearth slide aside, revealing a stone staircase leading down into blackness. A rush of cold, dank, moldy air embraces you, then tip-toes away to mingle with the rest of the air.
((Ok that's good. Roleplay pauses until everybody gives me a marching order of who goes first. Also all of the frost effects have worn off at this point.))
((I am basically unarmed because I don't have a sword, so I'll heal, backup damage, won't act until anyone is hurt))