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Skirmish Forces Info

Minas Tirith had 2,000, possibly a couple hundred more from Osgiliath. The southern Feifs held back all but a tenth, so that would put it at:
Lossanarch - 2,000
Ringlo Vale - 3,000
Morthond - 5,000
Anfalas - 1,500
Larnedon - 500
Ethir Anduin - 1,000
Pinnath Gelin - 3,000
Dol Amroth - 1,200

Harondor probably had several hundred in camps watching Harad, and Ithilien several hundred rangers. Anorien was sparsly populated, with no cities, so barely a hundred probably dwell here. Cair Andros had around 2,000 I believe. Tolfalas' status is unknown, but assuming it is populated, less than a hundred soldiers probably dwell here. Andrast is unpopulated.

So a total of around 20,200 troops seems right.

just look at a map. There's no way Morthond can provide 5,000 soldiers, it would mean nearly 20,000 people live here. Don't forget we're in medieval times, and population density is very low. Same for Ringlo Vale. Harondor and Tolfalas are deserted area, for sure. Rangers weren't a lot, as they fight in guerilla warfare. Moreover, it's highly unrealistic that Cair Andros got 2,000 soldiers, just like Minas Tirith. There's surely more than 1200 soldiers stationned at Dol Amroth. Wait, what do you mean by before the battle of Osgiliath ?
Morthond extends all the way to that spur of the White Mountains. Several hundred rangers seems probable when considering that it covers both North and South Ithilien, Emyn Arden, and the fords of the Poros. Gondor had several watchposts in Harondor. Before the Battle of Osgiliath I mean before the War of the Ring, so before the scene in the film where they cross the Anduin, so they'd still have a couple thousand troops there. It's pretty realistic, given that Minas Tirith's troops are spread between itself, Osgiliath, and Ithilien. Yeah I should add a thousand to Belfalas, and another 2,000 to Dor-en-Emil. Actually, Morthond Vale is a sub-province of Lamedon, so we'll just delete Lamedon and put 5,000 for Lamedon, also take into consideration that there IS a city - a fortress, in fact: Erech. Tolfalas' population status is unknown. It is possible that they established outposts against Umbar and ports for those who don't want to all the way up to Pelargir and Harlond. It wouldn't mean 20,000, because that would imply 15,000 women, children, infirm, elderly, and several cowards vs. 5,000 men, which I doubt.
Armies are really expensive. In medieval times, having around 4 and 5% of his men population at-arms was hard for many countries like Switzerland !
So it takes places in early Third Age ?
Gondor is a wealthy nation. The southern feifs are all great agrarian societies, and the coastal provinces provide fish. Also this is max muster in times of war, not permanently maintained forces.
Why not just do a PM of people who want to do this? Rather than make a big forum thing? (I would play on PM)