[quote user_id="16827088" avatar="https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.enjin.com/187965/site_logo/medium.png" name="scuzball"]do you have some thing where you cant spell feck is spelt fuck ok say it with me f u c k fuck
Another inefficient human found, using curse words to decrease Dopamine levels in others and increase Dopamine in their own
Little do they know they are just being fooled by another life form who as well is trying to increase Dopamine levels due to useless hatred and resentment.
Don't be remembered as a useless human being that had no use to the species and instead tried to selfishly increase their own Dopaminen[/quote]
I find it ironic how you're going around calling others "inefficient" humans and claiming they are only doing this to "increase dopamine" levels.
You realize these are other people, possibly not as literate as YOU in the English language whom furthermore are likely to be fluent and skilled in their home tongue and see English as a second/third language.
I paid little heed to the first post wherein you detest a person who insults you, provocatively no doubt. Albeit this when someone whom posts an unrelated comment you remiss in locating it and detesting them for stating a mere point. A mere point which is correct. Feck is not a word of the English language. It is fuck. (Oh look I said the 'F' word please don't ban me HUR DUR.)
Ergo do us all a favor mate and take your grandiose sounding, poetic prose, where your basically rubbing your own dick thinking how smart you are at using longer term words you disdainful abhorrent loathsome unintelligible child and shove it somewhere where it is relished instead of pronouncing people "inefficient humans" and claiming they are "a useless human being that had no use to the species". Who are you to judge someone stating a TRUE fact as being useless to the human race, as they've just proven a fact. Which in my books. Shows education and thus regards them in a tactful manner as being use