hmmm Im gonna submit another idea besides my war for the ring idea... Hero Team Death Match... Classes are created specifically to honor the attributes of heros from the LOTR stories and have op gear and like resistance and stuff... BUT everyone is a hero >=D so its just a giant f*** fest of pvp... erm also this isn't a real class but my suggestion which is based of of LOTR conquest an X-box video game is a scout/rogue... it's a class that has decent melee... not swordsman quality... also like chain armor... has no range weapons... but can go invisible for a short period of time... and during this time u can get specifically behind someone and backstab someone... this specifically kills someone no matter what class they are... also this would have a recharge time of like 5 min and also be extremely tough to do.. but it makes for a pretty bad A** class while also having weaknesses and stuff