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This Needs to Stop

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V1 Veteran
I mean it. This needs to stop right the f*ck now. I am going to say some stuff, and no one should comment, or it will get off-topic. Please do not comment. Please do not respond to this, just read and listen.


People do not choose to be homosexual. They don't say "Hey I'm going to subject myself to all the shit from homophobes because I want to get off with a guy.". Why do you like girls? Part of it is conditioning, but most of it is hormones. Guys emit hormones that attract them to girls, and vise verse. Some guys' and girls' hormones get mixed up, and attract them to the same gender. These are not freaks, you might as well say a glutten-free person is a freak, or a paralyzed person.


They don't. They go get married and live happy lives. Except for all the homophobes who get it into their heads that they can't live in a world with gay people and who petition against marriage and throw rocks at them and insult and abuse them. Oh, and lots of people do this in the name of Jesus. Go figure. I would like anyone to tell me how two men/women getting married will affect them. Eh? No? Then shut your mouth.


A faggot is a freaiking bundle of god damn sticks so stop using it as a synonym for a gay person, idiots. Tolkien even uses faggot in his Elf-song in Rivendell: "the faggots are wreaking, the bannocks are baking".


The flame wars have to stop. Lazee's gone but it still goes on and on and on. Akam's the biggest problem, with his homophobia and perpetual insulting of Lazee and homosexual people. He has admitted to being homophobic. I am okay with this, even if it's stupid in my opinion, but NOT when he says

"Fags are gonna rot in hell as they didn't go along with what God made. Stop supporting people who are doomed to eternal torture."

Okay so first of all God made humans who were naked and unashamed in paradise and who didn't sin. That means we're all gonna technically rot in f*cking hell.

"I am proud to be homophobic and so are many other people."

And many people are proud to be racist and Hitler was proud of what he did. You can be proud all you want, but don't tell us because we don't give a flying f*ck about it.

"Screw fags."

No screw you, you narrow-minded bitch.

"Silly faggot, dicks are for chicks...."

Then go jump in a chick because that's what you are.

"This community needs to forget about fags and just have fun."

Hard to do that when you bring it up at every turn.

KingJoseph1st called KingWeasels a homophobic c*nt. Why is this? Who was in the wrong?

Lazee is transgender (I will get to that in a moment), which means he is basically a woman but he has a man's body, or vise verse. KingWeasels was new to this concept, and when he referred to Lazee, he called him/her a he/she/it, because he didn't know what to do. Weasels meant no harm by this, but Lazee and Joseph took it the wrong way. This is understandable for Lazee, because he/she had been bullied a lot about being transgender and homosexual, though cussing out Weasels was uncalled for. Joseph also overreacted, so in this case it was a misunderstanding, but Joseph and Lazee were in the wrong. THAT'S SETTLED.


You shouldn't hate people because they're a woman with womens' hormones, womens' thought processes, etc. stuck in a man's body, or vise verse.

So in short, homophobes and transphobes are jerks who have no empathy for people and just focus on the fact that people being gay/transgender will somehow mess up their entire lives.

This should stop the flaming because now people know what they're talking about. If you have any more questions, comment below.
That's because back then people were even more intolerant. Gay people have been around forever. The Greeks wrote about them. Apollo had affairs with men. A woman writer wrote lesbian stories on the island of Lesbos, thus deriving the term lesbian. It's just that back then if you were gay you were slaughtered. Maybe people thought the world had become more tolerant. Obviously they were wrong.
Using "homophobe" as an insult is just as bad as using "f*gg*t" as an insult. If you use "homophobe" as an insult you are just as bad as Akam.
Nicely said, just that you forgot that king joseph and lazee support there opinions the same way we do, and there should be no problem. Akam curses, lazee curses, king joseph curses, all to support their opinions. Also, Riko told me to have empathy and try to feel how Lazee feels, which is pretty hard, knowing that she called us d!cks and said fu(k off, you little transphobic

It is like having someone punch you and your friends in the face and when you strike back because your defending yourself. Then they can't take it and report you. And we are supposed to have empathy for them? Feel bad because they did so much harm to get us responded not even as bad as they did to us, and we get punished?
Solution: Make me Emperor of the world and I'll put every last idiot in a deep dungeon! :)
Worsen the Situation: Lets go post on the forums over and over again about gay people.
Solution: Stop posting about gay rights over and over and don't comment. Then people won't get stirred up?
I would of rather locked this then let it continue but I wont unless you want me to.
Just stop posting these threads. I don't want to talk about gays not does anyone else. Bio, this thing was solved yesterday and now you revived. Great job. We have the right to be against gay marriage for our own treasons. I don't want to bring that right into this community. Homophobia is just as bad as Homophilia is. Please stop these damn threads. In fact, we are having a great battle on our RP thread.
Just stop posting these threads. I don't want to talk about gays not does anyone else. Bio, this thing was solved yesterday and now you revived. Great job. We have the right to be against gay marriage for our own treasons. I don't want to bring that right into this community. Homophobia is just as bad as Homophilia is. Please stop these damn threads. In fact, we are having a great battle on our RP thread.
FINE! I'll get back in this story!
Akam, you don't have the rights to be against marriage, no one does. Religion was created by men to have solutions, NOT for
impede the freedom.
You can not like a gay, BUT YOU CAN'T insult/kill/imprison/bring discomfort/alienate him.
Just stop posting these threads. I don't want to talk about gays not does anyone else. Bio, this thing was solved yesterday and now you revived. Great job. We have the right to be against gay marriage for our own treasons. I don't want to bring that right into this community. Homophobia is just as bad as Homophilia is. Please stop these damn threads. In fact, we are having a great battle on our RP thread.

I don't care if you're homophobic, but when you're a dick to people then I'm ready to f*ck anyone up.
Riko is now counted among the wise.

And Python, that's when you strike back using rules.

Want a piece of my wisdom :3? Don't make another few threads about the same subject. It will be easier to forget that way.
Could the thread be locked? It's better that way.
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