On an even more serious note... stop talking about WW2 like it was something won... no one won..... MILLIONS of innocent people were SLAUGHTERED!!!!! not a funny thing so if you would stop bringing WW2 into this it would be much appreciated. Also MD_K47 i'm appalled that you would think that WW2 was a good thing... although weapons may have increased in sales, weapons are the WORST thing in the world. Although I'm against the slaughtering of millions of people including but not limited to children women old young. I'd like to remind you all also that guns are the worst thing to ever happen to this world and especially for America. I'd like to pay my respects to all the children and innocent people who have died in these past years due to angry people expressing their feelings by taking guns and MURDERING innocent people with the worst being Sandyhook. Although i'm probably more troubled by these recent events (I live really close to newtown) we all are and it will scare our future as united people.
If we didn't had WW1 and WW2, the world would be crowded as hell. I mean it, world peace is bad, we need wars to control the amount of people in this world, it might sound harsh, but it is true.