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Ha'zi would be found talking with Miriel at the shifters' campfire, meanwhile Daugo would either be at his tent or probably conversing with others, most likely elves. [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/_PigGuardian_/74.png" name="_PigGuardian_"]13873166[/user]
Zaro first went to Daugos tent to check if he was there. [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user]
His words nearly made her laugh. The irony. 'We are the youngest people here.' They were true in one sense. Had he known she had been born nearly five thousand years ago when men first awoke to walk the lands of Middle-Earth and Beleriand. Ha'zi was so naive and gentle. It almost made her want to tell him there and there. To enlighten him to the lie he lived. To the lie they all lived. Yet, doing so would make him hate her and compromise her mission.

Yes, she couldn't jeopardize it. Sauron was counting on her, but mostly importantly, so were her friends and even her sister. It wasn't that she would be killed. Aranel was too important to Sauron and Morgoth. But, if they awakened her, if she was released...Her friends, even these so-called Giant Shifters, even Ha'zi, and even she would be at stake. Countless lives hanged in the balance. If she began sloppy and failed Sauron might choose Aranel over her. That would mean certain death to all of them. But, even Sauron knew that unleashing Aranel would cause havoc on scales untold. She was uncontrollable. Chaotic. Destructive. No, even if she failed they wouldn't release her. But she couldn't give Sauron an excuse. She was his most prized pupil.

"Yeah," she laughed at Ha'zi's joke, not necessarily forcing herself to but adding a bit extra to it.

"You should ask them when you get the time. Let's eat and I need to tell you that, ahem, thing, we discussed." Elladan handed her a slab of wooden containing a piece of juicy roast meat and she walked over to Elrohir, picked up some silver cutlery and came back. She handed Ha'zi a knife and a fork, "Need me to teach you how to use those?" She asked, semi-jokingly.

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Dimitri saw Marco and a couple of the Gondorians conversing on the opposite side of the fire, nearby him was Ha'zi and that Gondorian Lord's daughter, in conversation.

Elrohir took a seat next to him and handed him some roast, "I would, though, this is the End of Days and all. It doesn't matter much if I use a sword or an axe to fight a Giant, right? I'll just be crushed? How would you fight one?"

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user]
"No, these infernal contraptions are too hard for my barbaric mind to understand... yeah, I'm good." Ha'zi grinned, and started cutting into his food.

While eating the hot, saucy meal, he thought more about what Miriel said. What did they have to talk about after this? He sorta forget what exactly it was, but Ha'zi hoped it wasn't bad....
The entire time Ha'zi was eating he noticed Miriel staring at him. When he finally finished and turned to look at her, he saw her stifling a laugh.

"You hold the knife like this," she instructed him. Ha'zi was using the wrong hands and the wrong method to cut the meat. She took his hands in her own palms, forced him to release the cutlery, re-assigned his hands, placed the knife and fork in the correct position and did a little, "Voila."

"There you go, much better." She smiled at him before looking down to realize she hasn't eaten any of her food whilst she had been staring at him. She started to scarf it down, slicing through the meat and eating it with as much manners that Cardiloc could muster but with the correct air around her.

"See. Now that's how you eat." She wiped her red lips with her scarf, covering up a blush of embarrassment.

"Hello, would you like red wine or a mug of ale?" Elladan offered Ha'zi, walking over with a chalice of red liquid and a mug of the alcoholic substance.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user]
Ha'zi was red throughout the entire how-to-eat tutorial, it was hard to tell whether it was for his embarassment about not knowing how to use cutlery correctly or that it was because she was holding his hands for it all. He gulped after it was over and managed to say, "T-thanks, Miriel" before eating again.

Aw shoot, not again. Not more drinks. He wasn't really sure of what to say to the elf... maybe ask for water or something not alcoholic?

But then, he realized that it doesn't matter. The world is ending. It's time to live a little.

"Hm, I'll have the red wine, please." Ha'zi responded. [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Captain_Aasim/74.png" name="Captain_Aasim"]12253360[/user]
"It really depends on what I'm facing. If I were you, I wouldn't fight one in a 1v1. I'd take all my archers and fire as many shots as I could into a possible weakpoint, hoping it was enough to kill it or allow one of us to kill it. It really depends on the giant, mi'lord." he replied.
"What are the weakspots? Is there any surefire way to kill a Giant? We heard from Sigeric of Redhaven that you reside in the neck. Does that make it a point of interest?" Elrohir asked while consuming his meal.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user]


Elladan handed him the chalice and gave Miriel the same request. She took the wine. She began to slowly drink it down and noticed his cheeks were redder than the flames of the campfire. Why did he have to be so...

She finished the wine.

"Ha'zi, can we go somewhere quiet. What I need to talk to you about is personal." Miriel said to him, placing the glass down next to the log they sat on.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user]
"There probably is, but I have no clue. You seem to like asking questions about how to kill us." Dimitri remarked. He never thought that the Elves might want to plant their heads on their walls.
"Oh, uh, sure." Ha'zi said, putting down his drink, too. He got up and followed her. "What did you want to talk about?" [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Captain_Aasim/74.png" name="Captain_Aasim"]12253360[/user]
"I take every precaution, Dimitri," the elf said, "Don't take it as an insult but you're a creation of the Black Enemy. You could easily be deceiving us here and now, though, I doubt that to be true. If there is even a chance of you changing sides, then I will kill you. Though, I doubt a man like you would become one of the Dark Lord's servants. You're far too competent for that."

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user]


Miriel led him away from the campfire, behind a couple tents and to the edge of the clearing. She stepped into the dark forest as crickets and all manner of  insects buzzed about. She turned around and he could see her form outlined by the moonlight. She was about 5'8", her head was small in comparison to her body, her nose was like a tiny stubbed tree, her eyebrows were ginger and her red hair spread around her like a curtain. Miriel's eyes gleamed like two emerald orbs as they stared back at him.

"Are you going to merely stand there and stare me?" She asked, a smile spreading across her freckled cheeks.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user]
Beautiful. The word came to Ha'zi as he was there with her, and it made him feel fuzzy. Why hadn't he noticed it before? She is beautiful. Miriel, she... she entranced him, made him gawk there, staring at her. He should feel special, to be here with her.

At this time, Ha'zi started to wonder. Wonder why she, a nobility, would be interested in a deku scrub Haradrim twat like him. Miriel could probably be with anyone she wants, so why him? Why not be with Cardiloc; older, better-looking than Ha'zi, stronger, and probably more experienced in relationships than he was. Why be with Ha'zi, of all people?

Speaking of which, why wer- His trance was snapped as she commented about his staring. Ha'zi blushed, feeling embarrassed about it. "Sorry, er, well... what did you want to talk to me for?" [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Captain_Aasim/74.png" name="Captain_Aasim"]12253360[/user]
Iver went to his tent with Hazi following. As he entered the tent he opened a small package that held his clothes. Inside the package and under the clothes 3 bottles of clear liquid could be found. "This Hazi, is the greatest truth serum humanity ever created" Iver said with a smile. "Always remember to listen carefully to a drunk man, because without control he can't stop the truth he buried from escaping his lips. Same goes to angry people, remember that". He stopped, flashback from his drunk father calling his mother a whore appeared in front of his eyes and he whispered to himself "too bad you didn't follow your own advice" before returning to Hazi.
"This here, is a special edition of smaug's breath. Found them in my house and they are strong enough to knock even Dim out. What you need to do is get her to drink it without noticing that it's something strong. You can mix it with berries and say that it's weak wine or berry juice. After that you start talking with her, a small talk and when the moment is right, you direct the conversation to the next question: Miri, do you really love me? Add that it's ok if she doesn't but that you need to know. It works most of the time, they feel sorry for you or guilt, the alcohol effect people's mind very good, women's even more and gingers the most. If you need help with any of that just ask, not like I'll have anything better to do" Iver finished and handed Hazi one of the full bottles. He had plans for them but this seems like a noble cause.
"That really depends on the situation, most of the time I just try to so the best. I'm good with crossbow and spear and I'm not bad with daggers either"  he answered the elf.
"Wow, thanks Iver for the, uh, gift. But I don't... well, it feels wrong to do that." Ha'zi replies, rubbing his eyes. Just holding the thing made him dizzy.

"Thanks for your help, but I'd rather not have it. You seem to fancy it anyways." He grins, handing the bottle back to the Dalishman. [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user]
"your choice, if you feel that she is playing with you remember our conversation. Also, if you need help with the world of high society don't hesitate to ask me, Sig as a minor noble can't help you much beside giving you lessons about licking asses and being a dick" he said, took the bottle and waited for Hazi to leave his tent. He had plans for tonight.
"Well, the bat can't speak and he is about 7 meters and 47.56 centimet- do I look like I fcking measured the fcking thing? All I did since this.... Thing happened to me is beat and get beaten by random spawns of the valar. Never had time to measure the size of the bat, but I can tell you that he is the smallest if you really want to know" he answered the elf, slightly annoyed by the stupid question.
Ha'zi nodded. "I'll make sure to stop by if I need any more help. See you later, Iver." He departed from the tent, and continued his way to Celeborn. (Fixing dem timelines, one time bubble at a time.)
"So we might need to put more effort into protecting you? I can give you a small amount of elves if it will help, I saw you can carry people on your back, maybe I can give you some men to ride on your back and protect you if we are attacked?"