His words nearly made her laugh. The irony. 'We are the youngest people here.' They were true in one sense. Had he known she had been born nearly five thousand years ago when men first awoke to walk the lands of Middle-Earth and Beleriand. Ha'zi was so naive and gentle. It almost made her want to tell him there and there. To enlighten him to the lie he lived. To the lie they all lived. Yet, doing so would make him hate her and compromise her mission.
Yes, she couldn't jeopardize it. Sauron was counting on her, but mostly importantly, so were her friends and even her sister. It wasn't that she would be killed. Aranel was too important to Sauron and Morgoth. But, if they awakened her, if she was released...Her friends, even these so-called Giant Shifters, even Ha'zi, and even she would be at stake. Countless lives hanged in the balance. If she began sloppy and failed Sauron might choose Aranel over her. That would mean certain death to all of them. But, even Sauron knew that unleashing Aranel would cause havoc on scales untold. She was uncontrollable. Chaotic. Destructive. No, even if she failed they wouldn't release her. But she couldn't give Sauron an excuse. She was his most prized pupil.
"Yeah," she laughed at Ha'zi's joke, not necessarily forcing herself to but adding a bit extra to it.
"You should ask them when you get the time. Let's eat and I need to tell you that, ahem, thing, we discussed." Elladan handed her a slab of wooden containing a piece of juicy roast meat and she walked over to Elrohir, picked up some silver cutlery and came back. She handed Ha'zi a knife and a fork, "Need me to teach you how to use those?" She asked, semi-jokingly.
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user]
Dimitri saw Marco and a couple of the Gondorians conversing on the opposite side of the fire, nearby him was Ha'zi and that Gondorian Lord's daughter, in conversation.
Elrohir took a seat next to him and handed him some roast, "I would, though, this is the End of Days and all. It doesn't matter much if I use a sword or an axe to fight a Giant, right? I'll just be crushed? How would you fight one?"
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user]