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Ha'zi was petrified as he stared at the destruction of the glorious city. The only thing he could do was think. Why was this happening to him? Could he stop this dream? Who was talking to him? Do I know him?

The Haradrim boy tried hard, just like he'd done when he recognized Ëonwë, to remember the voice, to pinpoint who it could have been. His friends, the fellow slaves, citizens of Aldamos, he thought of them all. Who sounded like this? [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Captain_Aasim/74.png" name="Captain_Aasim"]12253360[/user]
Zaro attempted a spear thrust at the boar reading his dagger if it fails.


“So you would be fine if we made a large saddle with strap for people to ride along with you?”
"it would be hard to put it fast if fight start and we are not ready. Also it will probs be very heavy and limit my ability to fly freely. If you think you can make a light one it will be great"
It was a voice he had heard at the end of their time on the island. It was the voice of that thing that tried to kill them. The lightning. The clouds. The thunder. That voice. It was similar, the booming voice and the one from the island. Similar but different. This was calmer, less rigid and far clearer than the doom and gloom from the skies.

”Nothing to say? Hmm. Of course. You probably don’t believe it. Watch.” It spoke again and the dream changed.

Ha’zi was back in his house. Back in Near Harad. The little sandy hut was taught and petite. He was only seven. He saw his mother whittling a tiny arrow for him. His father was not around. No. Wait. He was entering through the front door, the wind blowing sand in from the desert landscape outside. His father walked up to him, muffled his wiry black hair and slumped down next to Ha’zi, picking him up and playing with him. For a moment Ha’zi was nearly lost in the dream, blissful ignorance covering over reality.

”That was then. This is now.” The voice interrupted his moment like a knife through the fragile silence.

Ha’zi saw his father disappearing, fading into a black mist, the same black mist he had seen on the island. His mother also had immaterialized, turning into dust. The house slowly broke down around him until he was alone in the hot, sunny desert.

”If you do not kill Melkor, the world shall burn. Yet, killing Melkor will seal a far worse fate than the razing of Arda. You must not fail your mission, Ha’zi. The entire existence of Eá lays upon it. Do not fail. Fail..fail......fail..........fa-“ The dream began to dissipate around him as it all went to black and the voice slowly moved further and further away. When it’s final echoes ended he was alone in the darkness of his mind. What did he mean? Who was this person? What did it all mean?

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user]


The spear missed the boar as Zaro had not been able to throw it at the charging beast when the boar was rushing towards him. It hit the ground with a clang and the thing seemed ready to jump before, out of nowhere, Iver, the Flying Giant Shifter from earlier, threw himself into the boar. Both of them tumbled on the ground and Iver managed to stab the beast in its loins, the pig roared and frothed at the mouth, attempting to skewer Iver’s face with its tusks as both fell on the earthen grassy forest floor.

Zaro saw something else. Something in the trees fell and landed on the soldier, who had been frozen in fear, ironically, this entire time. A hairy creature scurried over his shoulder and onto his face, the man screamed as it flawed at him, raking tiny paws down his cheeks.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/_PigGuardian_/74.png" name="_PigGuardian_"]13873166[/user]
Zaro pulled a dagger from his armor and attempted to throw it at the boars head he also quickly grabbed a bottle of rum and spilled it towards the board ears to blind it. He then quickly rushed to the soldier and attempted to grab the creature from his face and then pull it away and stab with his other dagger
Iver tried to cut through the boar with one hand and push him with the other one. "I'm gonna cook you with berries" told the boar.
"Look Mmurco, you wannu open a brewery, that's--hic--fine; beer sells evruhwere, and most everuhwun likes it. But see?" he said, putting his arm around the seated Gondorian by standing up, "wine's where the money's at. It's the drenk of high lords and rich merchunts, and, most! importantly..." he gestured towards Celeborn's tent, "it's the elves' faverit, y'see?" he explained, tapping the side of his head smartly.
The boar's left tusk impaled Iver's right hand as he tried to push it away but before it could jab him in the skull, Iver's knife slid into its throat and it bled atop him. It struggled for a few seconds before going slack, it's dead body falling on top of the Dalishman.

Zaro's dagger also skewered the beast, guaranteeing its death. The fury creature attacking the soldier jumped off the man's face whilst he screamed and landed on Zaro's, it's clawed tiny fingers raking his cheeks before it jumped off and landed in the bushes, running into the forest and away from the elf. Zaro had three slices down his right cheek and two on his forehead from the pesky beast.

It seemed to have been a rapid racoon or something similar to a possum. If he weren't an elf he might have come down with a damn disease like rabies. Thank Eru for immortality.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/_PigGuardian_/74.png" name="_PigGuardian_"]13873166[/user]
"mhmhmhmhmhm" Over mumbled to the elf from under the boar. He slowly chocked as blood and fur blocked his mouth and nose. The boar was fcking heavy and Iver tried his best to push him over but it seemed like a lost cause with one hand impaled by the boar.
In the darkness of his mind, Ha'zi felt only one thing, something which he'd felt his entire journey thus far: Scared. After everything that happened and came his way, no matter how much he'd grown, he was still that wide-eyed boy who was scared of everything around him.

There were many things he'd been scared of, but not until now they truly resurfaced. He was scared of being alone in this world, despite his dreams of exploring it. Scared of the island, that hell, and all the monsters there
that had implanted dark thoughts upon his mind. Scared for his friends' safety-- what would he do if he never saw them again, how could he truly cope with losing just one of them? Scared of the deep, dark hatred he'd since buried inside of him, waiting to be released. Scared that he'd ruin everything with Miriel, the only girl who ever cared for him.

But most of all, death scared him. Not
necessarily his own death, but of it. The way the light faded from someone's eyes, their life gone forever. Never to see another person again, never to laugh, never to feel, never to taste, never to live again.

The feeling of true, unspeakable sadness when his mother passed away was unbearable, so he'd hid away. Brought up walls around him cope, only pushing and keeping the one person left in his life who mattered away. Only to have him die, too.

Ha'zi remembered the hopelessness of his close encounter with death on the island. The tremendous pain he felt before everything was gone- friends, Lesier, the light, the feel of everything around him- all gone. It was terrifying. Being stuck in a void, only the thoughts of his failure to keep him company.

Mother, father, Lesier, Keldar, Elodrin, Radaa, Yuri, Celeste, Osk, Dean, slaves he'd barely talked to, people he'd never truly met at Aldamos, they all were with Ha'zi, their deaths present upon his conscious. He didn't stop them from dying... how could he stop the tremendous amount that would come now? How could he, just a boy, stop all this death and destruction, stop the apocalypse, stop a god?

These thoughts tormented Ha'zi until he was tired. Tired of the harassment and the negativity. He tried to push them all away, push away his scared nature, and tried to continue his sleep.... [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Captain_Aasim/74.png" name="Captain_Aasim"]12253360[/user]
"Uuurrr-iiiaaghtt!" Marco spurted out, raising his glass and putting it to his lips, only a quarter of the wine entered the man's mouth, ,"Vvine it izz!" He laughed, leaning back until he reached the point of no return and fell off the log, his head hitting the ground with a thud. Marco half-closed his eyes and moaned something about, "Haal Arrrewws..." before he passed out. Daugo saw the man wouldn't be getting up anytime soon and he himself was a couple drinks away from being in the same position. The hobbit heard some awkward screams coming from nearby, behind a certain elven tent...

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user]
pulled the boar off Iver and removed the dagger “There you go. You think we should skin it for the strap saddle?” Zaro said while covering his face in agony.
Iver coughed a couple of times before answering "sure, whatever" he said and looked for the place he left his bottle.
"Tell me, you don't know where I can get a violin, do ya?"
“Maybe celeborn brought a musician with him.” Zaro said growling in pain before grabbing the boar.


“Well we’lol think of something, good luck.
"I'll make sure to check it out" Iver said, grabbed his bottle hide it in his clothes and went toward the elf's place.
Zaro pointed to the soldier preparing to go back to his tent. “You coming? I’m gonna get some bandages and I’ll get you a medic if you need it.”
Iver's cheek was badly bruised and cut through.

Zaro saw the Dalishman had an arrow-like hole blown through him. It would need dressing otherwise he might be infected and die of a disease.

The soldier was recovering, wiping the blood from his face.

"What was that bloody little shit?!" He screamed, his eyebrow had been ripped in half.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/_PigGuardian_/74.png" name="_PigGuardian_"]13873166[/user]


Ha'zi slowly fell back into the darkness of sleep before his eyes opened again. He was still in the tent and had the small fur sheets wrapped around him. Miriel lay next to him, her arms around his neck. Her body was warm as it pressed against his. Her head rested next to him, some of her red hair in his mouth. She was intoxicating to him. Her smell, her body, even that little wrinkle with her nose that she did when she was asleep.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user]
Iver looked at his hand. "I'll take care of this" he said and walked toward the campfire, looking for any alcoholic drinks he could use to clean his wounds. After cleaning them he would use his regeneration powers to heal up and then go to the elf camp.
Daugo groaned and had a look in the direction of the sounds before seeing Iver and Zaro were there. He snorted. "Weird enough if Erver's there, let alone Zaro..." he said, shrugging.

So he just passed by the two with a drunken gait, subconsciously looking for Karstir.