From a general look at it, Ha’zi saw rolling mountains in the background, great golden plains and rivers in the distance. Up front was a main set of people and behind them more. From right to left Ha’zi could see. The Trickster jumping on one man. The man had black hair, pale skin and dark eyes but was actually smiling as the Trickster rubbed his hands through the person’s silky ebony hair. Next to them was a gigantic horse. Huge. A white stallion with a saddle on it and a horn attached to its side. After that came a multitude of couples. A man and woman in blue and white who’s eyes gleamed like the stars; a woman in green and a man in orange robes the color of flames, holding hands; two couples talking with one another: one man dressed in full black, much like the one the Trickster was playing with, yet grimacing as he held onto a woman in black with salt and pepper hair who was talking to another female who had jet black hair and a husband with pearly white flowing locks. All of them were fair and white except for the next one who had white hair and was alone, yet seemed to be talking, frozen in discussion with a tall, muscular man. He recognized him. TULKAS!
There were others beyond that. A dancer of sorts, one woman, from the other pictures, the one with beautiful blonde hair and eyes as green as Miriel’s. She was the one holding the baby girl. He remembered her when she was wearing the gown of flowers in that wedding picture with the Trickster. The next one seemed to be a woman, weeping by herself, watching them all. One child was pulling at her legs. Ha’zi’s heart skipped a beat. He recognized the child’s face, her hair, her aquiline nose. It was Ilmarë. There were other children in the tapestry, hidden behind the legs of the adults, some further away in the distance. Ha’zi began to see many of them. Some were odd-looking, others looked like ordinary peoples with old fashioned clothing. One even had a seashell in their hand.
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