Sigeric took a deep breath, taking in Iver's words. The man had offered no evidence to support his absurd claim, and yet he had the audacity to demand that Sigeric believe him without question? He stared at Iver with a cold gaze, the former signs of genuine concern gone from his visage. "I don't believe you." Sigeric rode further up the column, leaving the merchant behind. He would hear no more of this farce.
Sigeric looked around the camp, observing the revelries. It occurred to him that he should become more involved with the group, lest he be seen as a standoffish recluse. After all, the others had no way of knowing that he was plagued with visions of his own demise. Examining the group around the bonfire, he was reminded of the day in which they had arrived at Aldamos. Out of more than one hundred of them, only a dozen had escaped that damnable island. And now they were all riding towards a far greater peril. Dispelling his misgivings, Sigeric sat down near Elladan and Elrohir. "I don't believe that we have been properly introduced." he said to the Elves. "I'm Sigeric, one of the Karoltai."
As the sound of the horn resonated through the camp, Sigeric stood up from his bed without hesitation, dressing and stepping out of the tent. He left his halberd and longbow behind, but brought along his rapier. He approached a fire, seeing Ha'zi, Glorfindel, and Elrohir nearby, and overhearing part of their conversation. "What book would that be, Lord Glorfindel?" he asked, making his presence known. He sat down near Ha'zi, noticing him staring at Miriel. Something was off with the boy, though he could not quite place it.