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"By what? By the part that Cardiloc was taken by the enemy? The part where Hazi is hiding information or the part where the plan completly failed and ended with more dead bodies than the stars in the sky?" He said with a salty tone
The blood flowed over Dimitri's clothing, soaking it. "Sawry, sir." The Gondorian who had stabbed him said, "'Ey! He's dyin'!" He yelled at the nearest people who just happened to be Sigeric and Eonwe.

The other elves watched from the shadows as Glorfindel's hands balled into fists and began to whiten.

"You patronize me? I who saved your useless ally? I who defeated half a dozen of your so-called Karoltai. Do you dare chastise us? We who defended you and died for you? We who you turned on? By the will of Illuvatar I find myself unable to comprehend how such a pathetic runt of the litter could even begin to utter such grievances against his very own allies. I should kill you and your companion where you stand."

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user]
Sigeric stepped forward, pushing the soldier out of the way. "You've caused enough damage, now get out of here." He knelt down near Dimitri, inspecting the wound. "I'm afraid you cannot blame nobles for this one. Why is your flesh not regenerating?"
"I don't know... you arrogant little Dalish... cock! I'm not a fucking Maia... or a damn... doctor! Stop... standing there... and do something... or your corpse... will hang... FROM NARCOST!" Dimitri groaned.
Arandil watched from a safe distance as Glorfindel stared down at Iver. But he stopped and went to carry the injured Gondorian. As he was carrying him he went close to Magath and said.
"If we don't get out of here things will get messy, we better start going Captain."
Iver opened his mouth and then closed it. It was seems like either he was speechless or for the first time in forever his brain decided to work. "I....... im sorry" He said.
"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Dalish Military Academy, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Rhun, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in feudal warfare and I'm the top halberdier in the entire Dalish royal army. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Arda, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across Middle-Earth right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my halberd. Not only am I extensively trained in melee combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Redhaven and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo."

"If you wish for me to help you, you will hold your tongue." Sigeric said sternly. He lifted Dimitri up, and started dragging him towards where the other wounded men were being tended to.
"Can anyone carry this man back to the hideout so his injuries and wounds can be tended?" Arandil asked. The reason behind wanting to give the man to others was so he could go see the situation between Dimtri and the Dalishman and the situation of Glorfindel and Iver.
Glorfindel swallowed. His fists unclenched and he took a step forward, brushing past Iver. The Dalishman was pushed by the force lightly as Glorfindel bent down and grasped the sword that was stuck in Ha'zi. He then slowly slid it out of the boy's armpit and tossed it to a passing Gondorian. The elf's hands picked up the armless Haradrim and yanked him violently upwards flinging him over his shoulder and carrying Ha'zi away with the rest of the survivors.

Sigeric saw that the men in black cloaks and the Ithilien Rangers were leading them deeper into the forest. Their torches illuminated a passageway through the trees that led towards an assembly of hills.

"I've got him," Magath stated and took over as the limping man's support. Arandil could see the black cloaks were staring back at him. He caught a glimpse of one of their faces and saw a scar running across the man's eyebrow and straight up his temple. Who were these men? Rangers?

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Yiannis123/74.png" name="Yiannis123"]18199471[/user]
Arandil went to the bleeding man that was sliced by Thoruk and began to carry him quickly. When he got near the soldiers in black cloaks he asked.
"Do you have any bandages with you, any at all? This man is dying and he needs something to stop the bleeding. Please."

Cardiloc hit the ground. The earth was black and smelt of rotten eggs. The sulfur was so thick that Cardiloc could barely breathe. His Silmaril clattered out of his hand and clinked across the dirt. Behind him he heard a gasp then subsequent coughing. The world around him was colored in shades of black and grey and brown.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/UnusualBrit/74.png" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user]


Erchirion could hear one of the Gondorian Cavalry Regiment soldiers speaking to him. It appeared the man was asking for bandages to administer to his injured friend.

As the group dragged on, Vardamir motioned to Hering, "Cover the rear. Speak to that one," He gestured at Glorfindel but not to the elf directly but rather the armless boy hanging off his shoulders. "Check if that one is still living, too." He nodded his head in the direction of Dimitri and Sigeric before he left with the majority of the black cloaks following their Captain's lead.

Thoruk saw the company leaving and needed to catch up otherwise he'd be left behind. Iver noticed the black cloaks speaking with one another before leaving.

Everyone seemed to be ignoring Daugo who was still staring at a damn boot this entire time.

Sigeric felt heat and Dimitri's wound began to heal. Yet the Forochelrim was out cold and way too heavy to carry single-handedly the rest of the way, especially since Sigeric himself was growing weary.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DeathValley105/74.png" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user] [user avatar="https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/7267733/avatar/small.1678974881.png" name="GamerAced"]7267733[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Yiannis123/74.png" name="Yiannis123"]18199471[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user]
Iver was too tired and bussy pitying himself to actually give a fuck about the cloacked man, he could be a ranger or whatever.
Hering would nod and fall back into the group of stranglers and injured, moving over to the elf and boy. As he walked back he observed those around him, the many wounded Gondorians, the elves, even the so called giants. Recognizing them from the descriptions he was given. As he got closer he saw that it was the little Haradrim boy, the Warrior Giant. Walking next to the elf and boy he would keep pace, but staying slightly back so he could see the boys face. "I'm going to ask you some questions boy. Do you understand?" He'd ask, voice full of authority.
Cardiloc gasped out for air, coughing as he did so. The dunlending checked for the Simlaril... it was gone, no, no, no that was impossible. He scrambled around for it, desperately trying to find his precious gem. The cough brought him to his senses "H-Ha'zi?" He called out, a hint of madness in his voice. He glanced around for a moment, still feeling through the floor around him. Was this a dream? What was this place. "Ha'zi? Is that you!?" He called out again, desperation flooding him.