His head rose at this response, though it bobbed as the Haradrim kept taking large, frequent swathes of air in, causing his beyond sweaty, matted hair to get in the way of his vision. Brushing it aside, he began to report, "Um... Not too well at all, sir. I had a brief scuffle... with the armoured one... but it's plain to see that didn't go positively in any form whatsoever... Given the energy I've also stressed clashing with the other Giants... I'm pretty damn wasted right now, sir. Also, got no idea where Sig is... and the same for his condition... Last I saw of him he shot a bolt that impaled me and the Armoured together... any crude, suggestive ideas aside, he hopefully didn't do that intentionally... at least, I wouldn't believe he'd be that of a moron to do such a thing. Otherwise.... well, heh, yeah, not at all dandy right now. How about you?"