After hearing the distinctively annoying footsteps, Sigeric opened the surface of the crystal and crawled out, lightheaded. Pure adrenaline and sheer willpower were the only things preventing him from falling completely unconscious. He still had a purpose here, he thought, looking across the battlefield towards the Screaming Giant, being subdued by the Black Rangers, and the Armoured Giant charging at them. In Sigeric's mind, a memory stirred. Back on the island, he had realized too late that they were being deceived into slaying the Karoltai. It had all been a farce. He had been too late to stop them from killing Berra, or any of the others (except Osman, that cunt deserved it). He saw the same scenario unfolding before his eyes. If killing the protos was necessary to avoid the fate that awaited Middle-Earth, then Sigeric would not hesitate for a moment, but this was not going to help them. It would only serve to enrage the others, wherever they had fled to. Besides, the last thing he wanted was the existence of Shifters strictly loyal to Gondor. He wanted them alive. Then again, he could not allow them to kill his comrades, either. Sigeric ran as fast as he could across the field, toward the remaining Black Rangers.