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As his hind claws clipped through the scales and exposed red flesh, Cardiloc gazed at it curiously before a memory appeared in his mind.

There he was, the hybrid giant fighting the previous flying giant; and losing. He remembered how Eonwe had saved his life. Eonwe...

He wasn’t sure why he had just relived that memory, or what had triggered it. But there was one certainty in his mind. This must be Iver, the flying giant. Had Morgoth sent him or the Trickster or was he operating alone. Whatever the case was, Card knew he was outmatched by Iver. Then he remembered the Silmaril in his grasp, and his vision of Iver handing one to Morgoth. Was he delivering the Dark Lord another one???

“IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIFE GIANTS GET OU-.” Cardiloc heard Dimitris voice ring through his head, before Ivers screech deafened his ears. He looked around for whatever Dimitri was referring to oblivious to Iver flapping his wings. His claws clutching the chink in Ivers armour.


Nessa fell through the atmosphere with Morgoth she began to rapidly chain the dark lord all the while screaming.

“This is for my husband you fucking evil bastard.”

This of course was all before she noticed a great drake in the distance, Gultaur. Her eyes widened in horror.
"AAGGHH!!! GET AWAY FROM ME YOU FILTHY GIANT!" Arcturus screamed as Arandil picked him up, ready to consume him. He panicked and in a fleeting moment stabbed Arandil's arm but it was to no avail. The Gondorian was devoured, screaming as Dina watch in perpetual terror. She turned to see some beast larger than the buildings rushing toward them and Tytus taking off, sitting on the shoulder of one of his many giants. It seemed he was leaving...

Arandil's giant collapsed and began to dissipate and she quickly ran to him.


"Fucking die already you fat fucker!" Raimen screamed as his arrow blasted an invisible shield and threw his last bundle of fire-arrows whilst priming the fire-spear to charge just as Thoruk began choking him.

The fire-arrows came rolling towards Thoruk and detonated short of reaching him, creating a smoke screen. Before he could fully end the man's life a deafening screech rang his ears. It reminded him of...Iver?

Then a fire-spear burst through the smoke heading straight for the Dwarf.

Marco clasped his ears and curled up into a ball whilst moaning and whimpering for his mother like a lost baby.


Mirecyla's words seemed to fall on deaf ears as the beast screeched, causing her eardrums to go deaf for a moment. Suddenly the world became quite dizzy and she found it difficult to gauge her bearings.

Meanwhile, the Flying Giant shot upwards into the sky, its wings creating a tornado which knocked over buildings in front of it and sent Ha'zi Mor flying, literally through the air. Unfortunately for Iver, the Hybrid was still stuck to him and not only that but someone else had boarded. As Iver rose higher and higher he felt something bite into him around his spine. Fucking Cardi-


As Cardiloc had been taking sight of his surroundings and spotted the world-ending worm coming, Dimitri had managed to sneak up on Iver in a few seconds, take out a chunk of his shelly back and blow it open with some unknown power. Whatever it was, it resulted in the Flying Giant's motor coordination to be impaired. Both its wings stopped responding and it began a slow descent back to the earth with its passengers riding high-tail on its rear.


Tamara witnessed Dimitri bring down the giant dragon. How he had done it was still a mystery to her but he had. The five-meter Dwarf had defeated the gargantuan drake?

Or had he?

Iver's annoyance levels were reaching its ultra peak. How did Cardiloc break his shell and shut off his wings? He was wasting time and energy and he had gotten nowhere. Where even was Ha'zi? Sigeric? The Dunlending was causing him so much-

Iver realized he was crashing and a big problem he had ignored earlier was coming back to bite him in the ass. Literally.

The longworm rushed, its jaws agape, moving straight for the crashing flying giant. It crushed over giants in its path, though a majority had retreated towards the south-east, in its neverending quest for hunger. And it was hungry. Itas prey had been stolen and now he needed a new treasure. And here he could sense a treasure. Not just one but two! And far more valuable than that Vala...


Nessa came close enough and managed to get ahold of the chain again but Morgoth swung her out into the abyss, holding her over the world below, threatening to drop her.

The dragon flew at incredible speeds toward them and as Nessa was yanked on, a mountain shot up through the ground to impale it. Meanwhile, Nessa heard the sound of her runners as they broke ranks to rush to her aid, sprinting up the spike at the speed of light.
Mirecyla quickly retreated back into the nape after the beast screeched, she was dizzy for a moment and lifted up a hand to block any debris that may of reached her eyes. But soon she saw that whatever the beast was had begun to fall, and to make matters worst she heard a loud rumbling and turned around to see a giant Longworm making its way over to her location. That wasn’t good news, sucking in her remaining five tails back into her form she would try to use them to give her a boost of energy as she started to sprint away out of the way of the two large beasts. Scanning for any smaller enemies that might be in her way
Time was running out fast. He had to leave. Dimitri gave the same area one last dose of blasting powder, and then jumped off the Flying Giant. "Tamara, with me! We are leaving!" He then would speed away from the direction of the longworm was heading, hoping Tamara would follow.
Having heard Dimitri's alert right as he got on clear, undamaged ground, Ha'zi sighed then started to run desperately away from the direction of... dear Eru, what even is that? Some monstrous wingless drake? Morgoth's really going overboard on defeating the shifters...

He originally thought of trying to find some sort of weapon, figuring he could go after Lasser and... he didn't know, really, just stopping the idiot from performing his only power. Now, however, this plan was forfeited, as this new monstrous enemy came speeding forward. Regretfully, he turned back, right in time to face Iver obliterating Miriel. "Oh, fuck... I... hopefully she's okay... Please be okay..." He sent a little prayer, though he continued on his way without faulting, knowing he had nothing else that could save him from this situation...

Until, apparently, he did. Ha'zi's body rippled with warmth, and a sensation of... activity... appeared. What the... his powers were back! A grin came across the Haradrim's face. Now he could do something against that slimy flying lizard.

First, though, he had to get off the grou- FWOOSH "Oh", he thought, now suddenly soaring into the air from a fierce blast of...
air. "That was easy."
Secondly, then, he reopened his connections, now attaching to the Flying, Savage, and Hybrid- the speed of Iver (easy versatility), the rage of Miriel (to enact vengeance), and, experimentally, the animal features of the Hybrid (adaptability), wishing to see if wings were possible, imagining those of a desert falcon. He also caught onto the Elemental (control of most circumstances), for just in case the wings did not work, instead using wind. Thus, he tried diving after the group of Giants down below, with either wings or wind to assist.

"WORM-LIKE MONSTER... GO AS FAR UNDERGROUND AS POSSIBLE, AWAY FROM ALL SURFACE DWELLERS"; "NASTY SCALED BIRD, FREEZE YOURSELF." He issued, trying to defuse the situation as soon as possible now that he was empowered again. Even if they flopped completely, it was still worth a shot.
Oh for fucks sake; Cardiloc thought at the sight of the rapidly approaching wyre worm. Suddenly he felt the weight shift on the flying giant and looked down... Dimitri? There was the dwarf, applying some kind of powder to a wound he had made...?


Suddenly the beast started to descend, their two passengers along with it. Card knew he had to get the fuck out of there before it was too late. He’d quickly withdraw his claw from the chunk in Ivers armour and using his body he’d launch himself off it towards the ground before running towards where his sisters giantised body was.


Nessa stared in horror at Morgoth as he held her over the abyss. Clutching to the chain, she’d glance at the mountain impaling the dragon. She needed to get the Dark Lord back to the surface so that Aule and Yavanna could help defeat Melkor

Her eyes caught sight of her Maiar rushing up to aid her; thank Eru, finally. She’d try to climb up the chain as quickly as possible rushing to Morgoth.
Iver felt pain in his back, his wings stopped working and he crashed towards the grou-. No, that fucking worm, he was crashing towards the fucking worm. Iver didn't feel annoyance, he felt despair. His once mighty screech that in human form could stun the flying giant and in his bat form stunned the destroyer seemed to be ignored by all of the other giants. His mighty unbreakable hide was pierced and his spine was broken. His wings who could create tornadoes with their force couldn't even kick card off his back and now he was about to get munched by a bloody overweight angry noodle.
He couldn't fulfill part of his mission and he was already losing, failing Orome and his master, proving that he truly was just a walking failure. Even as a villain Iver sucked, he was defeated so fast, all of the training he had and for nothing.
Morgoth was right when he tried to pick Hazi over him, that boy had a talent for winning with no effort, perhaps he should just give up, let that worm eat him and hope that it will also kill all of those assholes as well. Iver started falling, he didn't try to stop it, he would simply fail aga-.

"NASTY SCALED BIRD, FREEZE YOURSELF." Iver heard in his mind, it was the voice of that little brat, he didn't die despite everything, that wanker was like a cockroach, why wont he die?
All of his bottled feeling broke loose. He saved those fuckers countless times, he got the crocolion and behemoth on the island, he defeated Pyrus while those cowards just stood there, especially Thoruk and Dimitri. He was the reason the destroyer and elemental died in the first place and that the dwarf didn't devour Hazi. He was the one who saved them from Orome and Aranel, he saved Dimitri from Manwe and that those fucktards, those thankless bastards, they never said anything. They just expected him to do it time and again, and now that he was no use for them they abounded him, first Hazi back in mordor, then the rest of them when Glorifindel humiliated him and later Dimitri in the ether.
Iver was not mad, he fuming, enraged, he was furious. Those fuckers had everything, they were champions of the Valar and gondor and the dwarves, they won love, respect, wealth, family freedom. All the things he lost along the way. They didn't deserve any of it, none of them deserved it, he did.
Dimitri was a lazy coward, he didn't bother to join the battles Iver fought to defend him and when he got his chance he always ran away. He was good for nothing friend who unleashed his anger on his own friends. Yet, teli called him a true warrior.
Hazi was a lustful idiot, he thought with his dick instead of his brain and refused to listen to reason. Yet, he got the most powerful giant and found his true love.
Sigeric was a proud arrogant, his ego got Erland and Bard killed, he refused to acknowledge Iver as his brother and didn't bother joining fights he couldn't benefit from. Yet, he was respected by the king and everyone around them and won status.
Cardiloc was a brain-dead coward who did nothing but cause chaos around him and should have been put out of his misery back on the island. He was better than Iver in everything, he had the power to stop time, he could transform into any animal he wanted 3 times and was physically built better. Yet, that bastard was rescued by the other idiots from wherever he was, unlike Iver. Card had friends and could use a Silmaril, a fucking Silmaril.

Iver would not let them get away with this, they deserved death just as much as Miriel did and he was the one to bring them down.
"Freeze myself? sure thing cunt" Iver would say as he started releasing cold air from his mouth and spinning. He couldn't control his wings, but as he could still move his body. So as he fell down he started to spin, using his momentum to both move further away from the worm and perhaps get that fat bastard off his back, slapping him with his 60 meter giant wings if he was to fall.
While doing so he would try to heal his giant, he needed his wings back if he was to murder each and everyone of those sad bastards.
Arandil rised up, he knew not what was going on. He was in a state of confusion, then he saw Dina running towards him. He asked her. "What.. what is going on, what happened?"
Tamara would stare in fear as she heard a loud groll and she saw a gigantic worm appear behind the ongoing-battle between the dragon and the other giants.

"What.. is this?" she'd ask herself, never ever seen something like that before in her life.

She'd stare at it in fear for a few more seconds before realising she had to do something.

She'd snail out of it's path as fast as possible, trying to get a good piece of land between this... thing an her, giving the others a worrying look.

"Just don't do something stupid guys..." she'd say to herself, realising that this dragon was going ham on them, but she had faith in them. If they couldn't do it, who could?


"Die you annoyin-" SCREEEEEEECH it sounded through his bones, shaking.

"Wait... Iver?" he'd ask himself before another arrow came his way, catching him off guard.

"FUCK" he'd call out dodging to the side while creating a vacum around the arrow with his wind-powers, trying to minimize the explotion-radius, leaving the grip around the gondorian open for him to live another minute.
The fire-spear exploded and threw Thoruk back, his body rolling towards the lava pit.


"Arandil!" Dina screamed and grabbed his naked body, shoving him off the giant and onto the ground. Before he could even comprehend what was happening, he was pulled back up, brought against her and she dragged him across the field following Tytus' fleeing giants heading south. Arandil was barely able to walk but he heard thundering and screeching loud enough to cause his ears to go deaf. The ground shook violently beneath his feet...

Ha'zi's body morphed and wings grew from his back, rather awkward and painfully but as the situation called for it his body delivered adrenaline to his system. He saw Dimitri leap off the Flying beast, as another explosion went off on its back, and make a run towards the Serpent Giant whilst the Executioner also made its way in their direction towards the west. Meanwhile, the worm was on a collision course with the drake, it leaped up into the air just as the Hybrid hopped off it yet...

The flying giant's frost missed the Dwarf but it did not miss the Hybrid. Cardiloc was midway through the air when a gale of ice appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, and froze over his hairy giant. The last thing he saw was Ela's giant slowly rising from the rubble of the stage before darkness fell over him and a loud thundering engulfed Cardiloc.

Ha'zi could only watch in horror as the longworm gulped down the Hybrid Giant and dove into the earth creating a chasm of a hole. Cardiloc..it ate Cardiloc...the fucking worm ate Cardiloc!!

The Flying crashed into a building and Iver felt his wings begin healing at an accelerated rate. Even though two charges had been set into its spine, a mortal wound to most other giants he was unlike them. He was not just a giant anymore. Not just a Karoltai. He was Iver. And he would get his revenge. One way or the other.

He spotted the other giants with his echolocation. The Hybrid had unfortunately been consumed by that fucking worm meaning he lost one shifter and a silmaril. But he saw Ha'zi there flying with wings? What the-it doesn't matter. Ha'zi is the chosen one. Of course, he'd turn into some angelic figure. Then past him he could see some signatures to the west and he felt even more to the south. All those giants had gone south but they were mindless ones, not shifters. He sensed Dimitri to the west and Thoruk to the south but also...another Karoltai to the north. No. Not one...four?!?!

Were they multiplying? Reinforcements? Who could it be? Sigeric? Thoruk? Daugo?

It didn't matter. Ha'zi was there. It was time to finish this!


Dimitri was on his way to Tamara as he heard something coming up on his right and there it was- the Executioner!

Mirecyla's only possible escape route just so happened to bring her into contact with the Dwarf and Serpent. The former being to her left and the latter directly ahead of her blocking the street. If she wanted to escape with Berethor's nape...she'd have to go straight through them.

Tamara saw the Executioner coming when she felt something slice through the uttermost end of her tail. Behind her was the axe-man, chopping through her spiked tail.


Ha'zi's commands weren't working...well not the way he wanted. The worm went into the depths but it took Cardiloc with it and the reptile...it wasn't obeying him. Were they impervious to his commands? Or was Lasser negating-no that couldn't be...

He was stranded on his own there facing the bird...


"GNATS!!" Morgoth grunted at the sight of the speedsters and swung the chain around like a flail with Vana on the end, smacking through the first three and sending them tumbling into the abyss. The next three rushed him and one managed to stab him with a Maia blade, weakening Morgoth. He spat and broke his helmet on her forehead, killing her bodily form then with sheer might blasted the others into oblivion. Nessa was thrown back from the shockwaves and sent tumbling into the sky, falling to her demise as Morgoth shattered the entire spiked tree with dark magic exuding from him. He flew back to Arda with a vengeance, dragging the chain behind him, unaware that Nessa had attached a second ring around his leg.
"YES, YES, YES, Iver thought to himself as the worm consumed cardiloc and his wound healed himself. He got rid of his biggest threats in one shot once again.
But there was no time to rest, he needed to....
Iver would locate Hazi and leap towards him, mouth open, ready to swallow.
He will take his revenge and please his master, once again hitting two birds with a single bite.
"Aah!" He screamed as all his confusion was washed away by a screetch so violent to his ears, that they were on the verge of bleeding. "What the fuck was that screetch?! My ears, my fucking ears. What hell has Eru tossed us in?"
Mirecyla sprinted away from the worm, as she looked back she would see the strange bird let out a blast of ice, freezing the strange creature that was on its back and then the worm lunged up, at said creature, and dove into the earth. Mirecyla stopped and blinked, what the hell? But he attention was drawn away as she heard a noise, looking over she saw the Serpent and Dwarf Giant, she rose her hands and snarled but didn’t make any move, then she began to sprint back towards the bird thing if she determined they weren’t a threat
Throuk would stop his tumbling with his wind power and pull the lava into the ground again, creating a hardened ground before trying to stand up.

His view would turn towards that damned gondorian and then to Marco... the young lad... not what he deserved after all of what they've been through together...

Help him or get away before he would hurt more people? A hard decision but firstly he had to get rid of this rampaging gondorian.

"Show yourself, I'll give ye a last chance, leave now and I'll let you live." Thoruk would say, trying to spot him while creating a whirl of fire in his right hand, keeping his left hand free to cast a wind-blow if needed.

Tamara would stare in fear as the worm came closer and closer before WOOOOSH

"I-i-it devoured one of them..." she'd say to herself, starring at it in shock, not even realising that the executioner giant and she herself crossed paths just now before a weird sting hit her tale.

Her eyes turned left and she saw the cause of this uncomfortable feeling.

"What is he doing?" she'd ask herself, not wanting to kill him... but he attacked her.

Tamara would turn towards him and tower above him, grabing him with her tail and pulling him up tiwards her face, hissing at him wildly with her mouth open so far that he could mirror himself in her giant teeths.

She'd then proceed and slowly let him down again, opening her grip before snailing away,out of this... this battlefie... no, out of this meaningless slaughter.

Enaugh men died this day. He was not worth it.
Dimitri turned, hearing Tamara quietly talking to herself, turned and said, "Tamara. Stay focused and keep moving. That worm will kill us if we stay still. We cannot avenge your brother if you are dead."
Tamara would turn her head as Dimitri suddenly joined her.

She'd nod at his request and follow him, getting away from this nightmare...
Cardiloc leapt from the flying giant; before suddenly he couldn’t move. He was... frozen? A giant slowly rose from the rubble, Ela! He needed to get to her.

A large thundering noise rang in his ears and suddenly everything went black.

The hybrid giant realised what had happened, he had been swallowed by the worm. He realised he needed to get out of there before he was either digested or worse. He focused on the ruins above where Ela’s giant had risen and teleported there; the Silmaril held in his grasp. Today was not the day he would die, Ha’zi had chosen him to save the world and no slug or psychopath like Iver would stop him, as far as he was concerned the wyreworm could have his decomposing giant corpse.

Ha'zi was momentarily stunned by the legit autistic screech, but, having gained resistance due to extended exposure to Iver, soon recovered. Besides, the pain produced by his newly summoned wings- which he was so very happy in seeing work- distracted him moreso than the sound. Thus, he continued his descent to the surface, collapsing his thread to the Elemental. 

"Good," he thought, watching as the worm charged at the ice drake, "while my command didn't work so much, at least they'll take each other ou-"


"CARD!" He shouted, shocked, as his friend was frozen the proceeded to get gobbled up by the rushing creature... then disappear beneath the surface. The fucking... fuck. Why weren't his commands working like they were supposed to? Lasser wasn't a problem- he could easily tell if that was the case- so what had caused this?

Angered and confused, Ha'zi struggled to choose what to do now. Could he really save Card? Could anyone? The Dunlending had joined the beast on a one way-trip to the bottom of the world- what could possibly stop it? It was too fast to dig after, his Elemental abilities wouldn't look likely to hamper it, and even if he did catch up using his speed, what was the point? Card was stuck in it… there wasn't much anyone could do. And even if he tried to save him, the mighty minion of Morgoth would probably kill everyone else. 

He had to let it happen, even if he so desperately didn't want it to.

As if to cement this point of futility in trying to rescue his friend, the drake flew right up at him, beak strewn open. Shit. There wasn't much chance of avoiding the thing- it was huge, speedy, and could whip him even further into the air. Guess there's just this left…

Ha'zi connected to the Dwarf, working on copying the metallic body he had seen Dim shift into a few times before, thinking of iron, and, just like he'd done with the Hybrid wings, tried to duplicate the jaw and claws of the Giant. Then, he flew right into the mouth of the drake as fast as he could.
Cardiloc returned to the surface just as Ela's giant broke free of the rubble behind him. Yet he was distracted by what he saw. Ha'zi flying through the air with wings, his body shimmering like steel as he charged the drake and then-


Iver had successfully swallowed the Haradrim. IT HAD WORKED! HE ATE HA'ZI! Wait...

A small giant appeared by Iver's foot and he detected something insane. Cardiloc was right beside it! What?! And the silmaril was in his hands?!? Iver's satisfaction overwhelmed him. He had eaten Ha'zi and right there was his chance to take another of those bastards down as well as capture a Silmaril. Oh boy! Iver was getting the good succ tonight one step closer to their dream...

The giant behind Cardiloc moaned and smashed the ground slowly moving towards the Dunlending, mouth-watering at the prospect of man-flesh.


The Haradrim was squished inside the winged beast's throat, saliva sucking him into its bowels as his body materialized to bronze and sharpened nails as well as teeth formed. It was painful but he had suffered worse today.


"HEY! COME BACK 'ERE!" Jaikor yelled at Tamara as she and Dimitri made their escape to the west, heading towards the western township.

Mirecyla heard his familiar voice. Was that him? Oh, Jaikor. She hadn't seen him in...in years...or had it been months? She couldn't tell but she nevertheless saw he was alone in the streets still wielding that damned axe. He had been one of their best fighters but lacked the power and prowess of Yellana as well as Raddis' fear capabilities making him a b-tier prototype. Yet now...was he the only one left? What could he tell her about the others? Would she do anything to him or return towards the drake?

Suddenly an ice-burst appeared in the paths of the Serpent and Dwarf. A wall of blue blocked the street.

"Oh no you don't," Thule sent shards of ice erupting out of the earth beneath the two giants in an attempt to slay them.


"You killed my family!" The man, Thoruk saw now, was flying about almost like Thoruk could but at a much faster rate, like swimming through the air. He came straight for Thoruk with a brandished blade, aiming to swing it at the dwarf.

"With your death, I can avenge them!"

"WAIT! WAIT ONE MOTHERFUCKIN' SECOND!" Someone interrupted both Thoruk and the flying man. But no one else was around. "Hold it right there, buckaroo!" Thoruk heard the voice coming from Marco. He was standing up, awkwardly, as if something was holding him in place. "One more fuckin' move from you, neckbeard and I slit the Leviathan's throat! And if memory serves right that means we all die!" And as if to prove the point, Thoruk saw blood appear by Marco's throat.

The gondorian struggled against the air screaming and crying, "Mama! Mama! Please make it stop! Stop letting Papa hurt meeee!"

What the fuck was going on?


"Whaaa-?" Dina asked. She couldn't hear anything he said and she kept pulling him along. "We have to go no time for this crap. Wasn't it your idea to run away together?!"

Neither could hear the other from the damage done to their ears.