If lotr was a series or had more books it would in my eyes be better. But I prefer GoT as it is simply less fairy-tale ish, and more realistic.[/quote][quote user_id="5023300" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/icecream220/74.png" name="icecream220"]Much triple posting ;/.[quote user_id="5023300" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/icecream220/74.png" name="icecream220"][quote user_id="9478990" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Evakobold/74.png" name="Evakobold"][quote user_id="5023300" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/icecream220/74.png" name="icecream220"]Do you prefer lotr or got?
I prefer Lotr. I haven't read GoT and the story isn't complete so i don't feel like i should compare the two yet anyway.
But reading the first book - A Game Of Thrones, that was quite good and i will enjoy reading the rest i'm sure.
I will like it for different reasons and when the story is finished it might be equal to LOTR ^^.
And no good vs evil BS, also to those who say White walkers vs living people, we don't really know if WW's are evil.[/quote]
Yeah, the mystery is what makes it interesting![/quote]
Everything is gray

Best parents in my opinion would be: Eddard Stark and Catelyn Tully.
Maybe Doran Martell or even Mace Tyrell.