Minecraft has been kinda boring me lately, not many people ever on servers (that I know atleast), and also problems with other users has kinda driven me away from it. So today will probably be basically my last day on minecraft (i'm probs gonna come on on the closing day of EW though), I'll check forums every once in a while but i wont post anymore. Later today i will post links to the Minas Tirith Build World and a bunch of my other server worlds (including yours
Elrith_Searith ). You guys can contact me through enjin occasionally or a few of u have my skype so yah.
I gotta say thanks to a few ppl (mainly b/c everybody else does it so i am going to do it too, not gonna be left out) xD
agenkolar thanks for being such a great helper with all my crazy server ideas, no matter how many times i changed them/deleted them
EnderMatrul thanks for helping out whenever I needed anything with command blocks, though I usually deleted the server before you finished
FrodoSwagins thanks for providing some comedy and some Star Wars crap in this world of Lord of the Rings
Tobberz thanks for making such an amazing builds forcing me to push myself into making better ones as well (didn't quite work out but i improved)
sjoerdtim thanks for hosting one of the best servers anyone has ever played on in the world! It was incredible while it lasted, though it fell near the end b/c of outside forces we had no control over (EULA, and ppl leaving)
So yeah, i'll be on MC for today, but after that im probs done with it. Cya guys, I had fun