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  • Heres the next part. Guess its too long for one post lol

    he prepared the men of Gondor to mount a spectacular defense. However, knowing that whatever they could do would not be enough, the steward lit himself on fire and jumped from the highest tower of the city. Gondor was ruler-less, and its people were without hope.

    The attack was another simple one. The forces of Gondor were prepared for an assault, many men were in position on the first gate. The battle went as usual, for many skirmishes had occurred on the Great City of Stone (Quartz really, I'm not sure why it's called that). The defenders this day were led by their general, the_warg. _warg was a decorated soldier, having fought in many battles. I too was fighting that day. Another mighty soldier, sjoerdtim, with a mysterious air about him, was fighting as well. His diamond sword struck down many a foe. Along with my brothers in arms I threw my spears and swung my non-enchanted iron sword, giving the Orc scum no mercy! But our defense was for no use. After some time siege towers appeared on the walls, and though our men tried hard we could not stop the flow of orcs from their vile wooden gates. I was slain many times along that gate, for my chain mail armor was weak, despite how awesome it looked. My corpses covered the ramparts. I respawned as the flags turned from blue to red with a blaze of fire and lightning, we fell back to the next gate.
    I, along with my fellow soldiers, knew that the defense was hopeless. The orcs were too strong. Gondor had lost many at time, some called them "op" and said that "they need to be weaker, dude". Others offered possible solutions: "Make the spear thingy stronger, let me OneShot a troll!", "Give the Soldiers more armor and the trolls less. The trolls are too strong man." These pleas for mercy never reached the lidless ears of _Sauron, who sent his forces onwards, conquering gate after gate.
    War often brings people together, and it so happened on that day that there was another Spearman fighting for Gondor. His name was the_minotaur. His aim was straight and his arm strong. Throughout our friendship he has saved my life many times, and I his. On this day we met while defending the second flag; I was prepared to spear a Orc Shaman right in the eye when a spear flew from behind me and struck it in the leg, killing it instantly. I shouted at him, saying "Dude! You stole my kill!", and he "It wasn't your kill to have!". Even though our first remarks were cruel, we soon became great friends.
    It so happened on that day that several soldiers of both Gondor and Mordor were debating the Kings of Gondor. It started with a trivia, asking to name as many kings as you could, and devolved into a shouting match where sides were divided on whether or not this name belonged to that king and so on. _minotaur and I were chatting, and I asked a question of him. "Who is the king of this Gondor?". We were both fascinated; neither of us knew whether or not there was a king, and if so who it was. Then, I came up with another idea. "You know that sjoerdtim guy, he seems pretty good at fighting, pretty strong as well. Wouldn't it be cool if we crowned him King of Gondor?!"
    We decided immediately that it must be done. We announced our purposes to the general public, who responded "Sure" and "Whatever." We were not discouraged though, for sjoerdtim had responded kindly, saying "lol". We talked for some time, discussing how we should go about it, and once we had come up with a plan we did not hesitate to put it into action.
    Having purposely killed ourselves by rushing into a group of trolls attempting to take the Third gate, the_minotaur and I exited to the lobby. Moving but a few steps we reached the Power Up Shop, where we both bought the Ender Pearl Powerup. Traveling to the besieged fourth gate to the fifth, we used our enderpearls to cleverly teleport over the walls, appearing on the other side with only minor injuries. We then sprinted to the Tree of Gondor.
    Once there, we bowed before the tree, before running past into the throne room. Ah, what
    How many parts is this gonna take
    Finally, the Long awaited conclusion to "The Crowning of Beepbobit". I hope you all enjoy.
    I'll start with the part I already posted:

    The Crowning of Sjoerdtim
    There was once a country called Gondor. It was located in the southern regions of the world of Arda, or Middle Earth as it was known to those people. Being southwards of Rohan, land of the horse lords, and westwards of Mordor, where the shadows lie. In this country there was a great city, a capital in fact, which was known throughout the world for its beauty, magnificence, and extreme defensive capabilities. This city was Minas Tirith.
    The country of Gondor, though proud and honorable, was not entirely happy. For long ago the line of their great king, Elendil had been lost to time. It was later picked up again by Aragorn II, who was known as Ellessar, though in due course his line was lost as well. The people of the Great kingdom of Gondor came under the rulership of Stewards for the second time in their history, and though the rule of the stewards was just and true, the people longed for a true king once more.
    To further pressure the rulers, threats again pressed in from the Eastern borders: Mordor was rising again, under the rulership of one known as Lord_Sauron who was also called "Mod". _Sauron was a terrible and fearsome man, strong beyond measure in mind and in body. He had the ability to create just as easily to destroy, to summon an army to his command, and to break down even the mightiest of defenses. He, along with his many servants, known as the "Donators", rode dark, draconic beasts known as the Nazgul into battle. From the air they wrecked havoc on all those who opposed them. All men cowered before his name.
    In time _Sauron's armies grew strong enough to push against Gondor. The Donators and their Orcish Armies burst forth like water from a dam, destroying all of the cities that lay before them, reducing great fortresses to Blocks of Cobblestone and Quartz. The steward knew that the great city of Minas Tirith would be the next target, so he prepared the men of Gondor to mount a spectacular defense. However, knowing that whatever they could do would not be enough, the steward lit himself on fire and jumped from the highest tower of the city. Gondor was ruler-less, and its people were without hope.

    The attack was another simple one. The forces of Gondor were prepared for an assault, many men were in position on the first gate. The battle went as usual, for many skirmishes had occurred on the Great City of Stone (Quartz really, I'm not sure why it's called that). The defenders this day were led by their general, the_warg. _warg was a decorated soldier, having fought in many battles. I too was fighting that day. Another mighty soldier, sjoerdtim, with a mysterious air about him, was fighting as well. His diamond sword struck down many a foe. Along with my brothers in arms I threw my spears and swung my non-enchanted iron sword, giving the Orc scum no mercy! But our defense was for no use. After some time siege towers appeared on the walls, and though our men tried hard we could not stop the flow of orcs from their vile wooden gates. I was slain many times along that gate, for my chain mail armor was weak, despite how awesome it looked. My corpses covered the ramparts. I respawned as the flags turned from blue to red with a blaze of fire and lightning, we fell back to the next gate.
    I, along with my fellow soldiers, knew that the defense was hopeless. The orcs were too strong. Gondor had lost many at time, some called them "op" and said that "they need to be weaker, dude". Others offered possible solutions: "Make the spear thingy stronger, let me OneShot a troll!", "Give the Soldiers more armor and the trolls less. The trolls are too strong man." These pleas for mercy never reached the lidless ears of _Sauron, who sent his forces onwards, conquering gate after gate.
    War often brings people together, and it so happened on that day that there was another Spearman fighting for Gondor. His name was the_minotaur. His aim was straight and his arm strong. Th
    What in the world. I guess its too long let me post the next half
    When will you post about the epic battle between the_warg and the two balrogs?
    Heheheh I am not sure. You will have to tell me how it went.
    I changed my mind. I will post something today. Here is the background story to my story, "The Crowning of Sjoerdtim". It sorta sets the scene for the story which will come later.
    Don't worry, I won't write like this the whole time. Just for the history part.
    I hope you enjoy it.

    by Beepbobit the Bard, ce Fifth Age
    There was once a country called Gondor. It was located in the southern regions of the world of Arda, or Middle Earth as it was known to those people. Being southwards of Rohan, land of the horse lords, and westwards of Mordor, where the shadows lie. In this country there was a great city, a capital in fact, which was known throughout the world for its beauty, magnificence, and extreme defensive capabilities. This city was Minas Tirith.
    The country of Gondor, though proud and honorable, was not entirely happy. For long ago the line of their great king, Elendil had been lost to time. It was later picked up again by Aragorn II, who was known as Ellessar, though in due course his line was lost as well. The people of the Great kingdom of Gondor came under the rulership of Stewards for the second time in their history, and though the rule of the stewards was just and true, the people longed for a true king once more.
    To further pressure the rulers, threats again pressed in from the Eastern borders: Mordor was rising again, under the rulership of one known as Lord_Sauron who was also called "Mod". _Sauron was a terrible and fearsome man, strong beyond measure in mind and in body. He had the ability to create just as easily to destroy, to summon an army to his command, and to break down even the mightiest of defenses. He, along with his many servants, known as the "Donators", rode dark, draconic beasts known as the Nazgul into battle. From the air they wrecked havoc on all those who opposed them. All men cowered before his name.
    In time _Sauron's armies grew strong enough to push against Gondor. The Donators and their Orcish Armies burst forth like water from a dam, destroying all of the cities that lay before them, reducing great fortresses to Blocks of Cobblestone and Quartz. The steward knew that the great city of Minas Tirith would be the next target, so he prepared the men of Gondor to mount a spectacular defense. However, knowing that whatever they could do would not be enough, the steward lit himself on fire and jumped from the highest tower of the city. Gondor was ruler-less, and its people were without hope.
    The battle hasn't happened quite yet. But perhaps you will be in it later.
    Today I do not have time, but next time that I do have time, I will post my first infamous story from Beepbobit the Bard: "The Crowning of Sjoerdtim". Please tell all your friends to check it out once it goes up.
    Now that sjoerdtim is my friend I'd better get down to writing this thing lol. I hope i can get it by tomorrow.
    As my good friend the_warg suggested, I will soon post one of my infamous tales by beepbobit the bard. I hope you enjoy them.
    Until then, would it be cooler to have the stories just in my writing style, or for me to make them into actual poems?
    Ah okay...but long detailed epic like "The Fall of Gondolin" are more fun that regular stories.
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