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  • beepbobit
    Both of you calm down. Cool, this was one time. I'm not mad at you anymore, and Lazee isn't over, so stop bringing it up. Dimitri, your loyalties lie with Lazee, as they should, but you were not present for the argument and should not be participating in it now
    They put lava in the entrance to the hq, i think because too many people went in instead of playing the game.
    ... Why the class thing, but OH NOOOO, NOT THE ENTRANCE BEING CLOSED, NOW WE'LL NEEEVVEERR BE ABLE TO GO IN THERE No I know pwner we have the situation handled, but since you were caught in the trap... -100 reputation with The Order of the Bards for trying to trespass in our HQ without permission. You are now unfriendly with the Order of the Bards *You feel a dark chill come up your spine, and the author sitting next to you gets up and sits as far from you as he can. The world seems to darken slightly, as though a cloud rolled across the sun
    I just posted this to Thu's thread but, Here is the official purpose of the bards

    The bards is a non-violent organization that serves the free-peoples, in particular the King of Gondor, Sjoerdtim. We also serve Only_God, the World Builder
    Our duties are as follow:
    -To write stories and other writings to further the lore, and community of Empirewar
    -To discover all the secrets we can on the maps of Empirewar, and inform the community of their locations for the betterment of all
    -To assist the mods in their duty by enforcing the rules of Empirewar
    -To improve the quality of Roleplaying on the EmpireWar servers, and to encourage the community to partake in role-playing
    -To keep track of all the characters, leaders, etc. of the community of Empirewar, and to organize this system
    I don't think I missed anything, but if I think of something I will tell you
    As for joining, it is very difficult. Though any bard may nominate someone to become a bard, Only I, as the leader, can create a new bard. At this time, we are not in fact accepting any bards, NO EXCEPTIONS and again ONLY I MAY MAKE NEW BARDS so stop asking to join. However, I may, in the future, accept people who are 'friendly to the bards' who would not have a position on our council, but would work to further our mission, and would perhaps have access to our HQ, but at this time this is not a thing.
    To better your chances of being noticed by me and made a bard, you can do some of the following things:
    be friendly to all on Empirewar. Establish a name for yourself, get people to know you.
    Create a character that fits into lore and is not out of control. Have myself or another bard approve it. Roleplay as this character (not all the time and in everyone's face, just know the character and act as they would)
    Write a story, post it on forums. Make it good, hopefully I'll like it.
    If you do these things, you'll get yourself noticed by myself and the other bards. Perhaps one day this can turn you into a bard, but for today, there will be no new bards accepted.
    It's like in WoW or other MMOs, annoy us that's -10 rep off neutral, do good stuff that's +10 rep off neutral
    Good luck
    When will the next competition be?
    #froughbackfriday That time when Only_God Spawnkilled and I blackmailed him until he forced me not to report him
    I mean, he must've been out to get me, he legit looked straight at the camera xD
    If you had to be evil to save the world, would you do it?
    Like MANY Circumstances like, Will I be evil forever, Would it garuntee peace for eternity, would it Save the earth from harm?
    Thank you Sooooo much to Only_God for building the new Bard's HQ! We are ever in your thanks!
    Friends of the Bards, feel free to come on down and visit us! We're always open, except when we're closed
    Find it :P You'll like what you see there
    Attention all worthy adventurers of Empire War!
    Recently, the Order of the Bards has been given a Headquarters thanks to the benevolent Kindness of the Staff, especially Sjoerdtim, King of Gondor, and Pwned_Slayer, I am not sure what he is but I'm sure he's awesome.
    There is only one problem with our current headquarters: There are six seats, and only five bards to fill them! So this brings me to a clear option:
    I am starting a contest to find who the next bard will be. If you want to apply, create a roleplaying character based on EmpireWar Canon (Basically LOTR canon plus any stories/lore from forums, server play, etc). Then, post on my wall or send me a message with the following:
    -Your mine craft name
    -Your character name (Could be the same, for me it is)
    -A brief (1 paragraph or so) description of your character, who they are, where they're from, their talents, and most importantly why they should be a bard.
    -Though I will have gotten a taste of your writing style from the character description, I will need more. Include a short story about your experiences on EmpireWar. Use any current bard's stories for inspiration. Creativity is just as important as keeping with Canon. This should not be shorter than a paragraph and not longer than a page. This can be a story you have already written and posted to the forums or elsewhere.
    -The stories, characters, etc will be judged on a couple of factors: Creativity, Writing Style, Grammatical Ability (not too important just helpful), Character depth and validity (don't make yourself OP, use good RPing skills, but make it interesting), and overall fitting with canon, etc. Also, ability to follow instructions.
    I will soon announce who the new bard will be. Their official title will be "(insert name here), Bard Initiate".
    If you are already a bard (Kordian, Nightrogue, Kingjoseph or cool_col) feel free to send me your own application, so I can learn more about your character, however your spot is secure.
    Thank you very much for your attention, and I hope you all apply! Spread the word to your friends!
    -Beepbobit the Wise
    DISCLAIMER: The judging of this contest will be at least partially swayed by my own personal bias, sorry but the decision does come down to whether I like it or not, so don't complain. There are plenty of ways to be involved in RP other than being a bard.
    Also, any characters sent to me will have a higher likelihood of being included in one of my stories!!
    I entered..... HOWDIDIDO?!?!
    Quite an interesting first day on Atherys.
    I followed the instructions well, I picked Acolyte, went to Keystone and got a boat, then things went awry.
    In the harbor, I was assassinated. Turns out that Keystone was under attack. Having lost all my tools, foods, and boats, I respawned and returned to keystone, to find it in chaos. I then cut a tree, made a boat, and fled, but eventually lagged out and lost the coastline... so now I followed a road westward and built this little home on the ruins of a house. Someone help! I wanna help Ithilien
    Most of the people don't rp but at least we can try to.
    Dear Mods of Empirewar, as well as everyone else,
    The order of the bards does so much for our community. We write stories in order to enrich the lore of this great server, and to entertain the community. We keep track and organize the constant stream of "I'm king!" requests on the forums and elsewhere so you don't have to. We always respect the staff and help out others. I think it is time to recognize our commitments. I propose that, at the location shown in this screenshot (past fifth gate in Minas Tirith, no one really goes there so its not in the way) That you place a single sign that says "Head Quarters of the Order of the Bards". We would really appreciate the recognition, and would be extremely thankful to have ourselves immortalized in such a great map on such a great server.
    Thank you very much,
    Beepbobit and the Bards
    A Wandering Bard
    A Wandering Bard
    Here is the problem. It is not so much that people want to join the guild but more that people will just want to explore the guild hall instead of helping their team. This is why the other halls were removed and shelobs lair filled with cave spiders. (That I wiped out in seconds as a mage) The point of the maps it to recreate Lotr while giving a fun PvP experience. Unfortunately many fun locations have been removed in the past and I don't think this can turn out any better.
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