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    Beepbobit, are you joining Edessa in Ilthilien(pssst, Only_God is living with us there )? I think it would be cool to have someone who is pretty nice and can actually rp.
    Hey thanks bro but I was unable to get in yet
    I think everyone should read my latest story. I'm sorry but I do love Minas Tirith
    Woah Kordian calm down you can avenge me first
    Now Gondor will never lose a battle again! (Check out the reinforcements)
    I have done nothing! This happens every time!
    I'm looking for recruits for the order of bards! If you like to write lore then talk to me about it!
    Yay for our first member, NiteRogue!
    I'm so glad the Empire War server was updated! But there's a problem. I'm not sure what happened but the vote page bugged out for me. AlI know is I can't use spearman until sunday and I am not happy.
    Yeah It worked today so all good.
    Sorry that took so many posts. Just read it from the bottom up and you'll get the whole story. I didn't realize I wrote so much lol
    It took some time to recite the ancient verses and prophecies, but eventually we were finished and ready to pour the sacred oils on the one who had been chosen as king. Armed with vials of the Red Oils (cough healing potions cough), we jumped off of the side of the square to our doom, only to respawn at the Dying Fifth Gate. We knew time was short, so _minotaur and I quickly found sjoerdtim. His armor was shining in the sunlight, blue and diamond-y, matching his Sharpness III Diamond Sword, honorably named "I didn't name my sword, who does that??". With a final bow, we poured every last of our Vials on him, and the ceremony was complete. "Hail Sjoerdtim! King of Gondor! Savior of the West! Hope for Men!" The cheers of soldiers and sounds of silver trumpets echoed throughout the city.
    The new king laughed, and was pleased with our service. He thought that our devotion to our kingdom was amusing. Though we lost the battle that day, many good things came out of it. Even from the ashes of the Tree of Gondor, a new kingdom arose. Lead by Sjoerdtim, Almighty King, Gondor was now a land of Justice and Chivalry, of Kindness and Compassion, of Righteousness and Victory. In honor of our gracious service, King Sjoerdtim II named the_minotaur and I as honorary Captains and Knights of Gondor, riding into combat as Heralds and Standard Bearers of the King. He gave us each beautiful estates on the coasts of Belfalas, as well as flourishing farmlands on the fields of Pellenor. In addition, he gave us each a job to fill in his new court: I was appointed his Cup Bearer and the_minotaur his Barber. It was and is an honor to serve our most valiant King.
    Thus ends the account of Beepbobit the Bard.
    Having purposely killed ourselves by rushing into a group of trolls attempting to take the Third gate, the_minotaur and I exited to the lobby. Moving but a few steps we reached the Power Up Shop, where we both bought the Ender Pearl Powerup. Traveling to the besieged fourth gate to the fifth, we used our enderpearls to cleverly teleport over the walls, appearing on the other side with only minor injuries. We then sprinted to the Tree of Gondor.
    Once there, we bowed before the tree, before running past into the throne room. Ah, what a marvelous room that is. Gigantic, with tiled floors and quartz columns, with statues of Kings Past which really just are Quartz Stairs. We bowed again before the Great Throne, before sending a call to our people. "Come, ye Men and Women of Gondor! Come to the Throne Room, that ye might witness the Crowning of Our new king!" We then sent a personal message, via pigeon, to the soldier sjoerdtim, but it seemed that he was busy slicing the heads off of orcs, and could not attend. We were still determined to hold the ceremony though, so we began.
    name was the_minotaur. His aim was straight and his arm strong. Throughout our friendship he has saved my life many times, and I his. On this day we met while defending the second flag; I was prepared to spear a Orc Shaman right in the eye when a spear flew from behind me and struck it in the leg, killing it instantly. I shouted at him, saying "Dude! You stole my kill!", and he "It wasn't your kill to have!". Even though our first remarks were cruel, we soon became great friends.
    It so happened on that day that several soldiers of both Gondor and Mordor were debating the Kings of Gondor. It started with a trivia, asking to name as many kings as you could, and devolved into a shouting match where sides were divided on whether or not this name belonged to that king and so on. _minotaur and I were chatting, and I asked a question of him. "Who is the king of this Gondor?". We were both fascinated; neither of us knew whether or not there was a king, and if so who it was. Then, I came up with another idea. "You know that sjoerdtim guy, he seems pretty good at fighting, pretty strong as well. Wouldn't it be cool if we crowned him King of Gondor?!"
    We decided immediately that it must be done. We announced our purposes to the general public, who responded "Sure" and "Whatever." We were not discouraged though, for sjoerdtim had responded kindly, saying "lol". We talked for some time, discussing how we should go about it, and once we had come up with a plan we did not hesitate to put it into action.
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