Meanwhile, in Heaven...
Ajay: Dude, are you serious?
Aasim: What do you mean, Vile One?
Ajay: You just created the evil non-pointed eared version of yourself!
Aasim: I still don't understand.
Ajay: You could say that Eldarion wasn't inspired by me, which we all know is a lie, but this is you with a middle eastern accent!
Aasim: Those words are a bit racist, Vile One.
Ajay: Doesn't matter, the thing remains! You even re-married the Egyptian Elwing!
Elwing: Did you call me?
Ajay: Nope.
Aasim: You understand that Titan keeps killing my character and adventuring isn't for me...
*thunder strike*
Titan: Did someone summon me?
Ajay: No.
Titan: Oh ok.
*thunder strike*
Ajay: Keeping in mind that now Eldarion is just a mindless zombie and probably his soldiers will send Aritom to get the stone and do magic stuff, adventuring isn't for Elwing. You just have megalomany tendencies.
Aasim: Don't you dare insulting me, Vil-
Skyla: My god, the last thing I remember was that pineapple falling on my head...
Aasim: I suppose we found the other character of Elwing.
Ajay: I'm trying to make you think about your nonexistent immagination!
Aasim: I just like wine and girls, ok?
Killzah: And girls slapping you...
Ajay: Not now dad...
Killzah: Maybe he's jealous because Elwing has more interest in chairs than him...
Luincrist: Kill, your turn for poker!
Killzah: Excuse me...
Aasim: Your father is weird...
Ajay: And of the same race as your new character!
Aasim: Stop being racist!
Elwing: Both of you, shut up! I'm trying to watch Doctor Who!
Ajay: Wait, the episode started?!
Elwing: Yeah.
...I have no idea of what I wrote, but you had to read it.