What an attempt, only issue is.........none of this is true xD If I was on my period 24/7 I'd be in hospital, I do not sound like a 5 year old on crack, I do not have an OCD With saying 'OK' And breathing weirdly, saying 'Don't take this seriously' and then having a question about killing yourself to someone who's had suicidal thoughts and prompts to do so, shut the fuck up you twats, I do not 'BAN EVERYONE', I ban people who deserve it, -with reasons-, if you have issues with this talk to
sjoerdtim , since the staff -agree- with the bans. Stuff with a sjoerdtim statue at the end...? What, run out of ideas? Halfwits. People who do this and find it fun or say 'It's a joooke!!' are stupid. Little to no brain cells about the impact this all has on 1 person they're trying to effect. Yes, they are internet trolls, but this is clearly unacceptable.