"imagine the universe, every moment from the universe's conception to it's end, every possible ending there ever was, every plausibility and every dimension of that existence is unraveled like a scroll, the timeline and all possible futures branching from the moment of the big bang appears like a tangled field of interconnected spirals, the dominoes of probability falling all at once, everything is unveiled to you, true tangible omniscience. THIS is the state that the universe actually exists in, and in the grand scale from outside of existence, it looks small, like a tiny speck of dust, or a **very** strangely shaped snowflake. it is, for a distance incalculable by any conceived metric system, the only speck of anything that **is** all that empty space, that nonexistent space, is the void. in order to understand the void you have to imagine that it isnt what the void **is** it is what the void **isnt**"
-me, because im 19 and this is hella deep fam 420 lit.