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  • cxkQexe.gif
    im so annoyed that i have to be so blatant with my shitbait otherwise retards take me too seriously lmao. I mean, that was the point but i didn't expect that only like 1 or two people fucking would get it and then literally everyone else on fucking enjin wouldn't. fuck dude, like even dovis and JC didn't get it, sad wigga hours.
    also, shoutout to Aliya im pretty sure she has liked just about every single one of my posts i have ever made, ever, in the span of like, 7 hours.
    Yw :joy::slight_smile:
    it's been a long time since i've seen these people in my alerts... this dredges up a lotta memories.
    ironically ranting about people online and my personal life while being ironic about ironically ranting about people online and my personal life while ironically responding to ironic and unironic criticisms of my ironic rantings about people online and my personal life. we are in hell, welcome to my wall. add me if you want.

    if this wall post hits 40 likes i'll share my credit card information and pin it.
    it aint it fellas
    i really fucken need that credit card info
    tell ppl on your wall to visit mine
    People don't realize how lucky we are that 99.9% of all animals are afraid of humans. Because if they knew how awesome petting was and that we would do it... like you wouldn't be able to get out of your house with out hordes of creatures demanding attention from you. lol
    Atomic Bomb
    Atomic Bomb
    Snakes are just thin scaly dogs without ears or legs, change my mind.
    they have ears and legs they're just either tucked into their cute little head or underneath their body, tiny lil stubs.
    do you ever get this kinda, vomit-y fowl taste in your mouth when you think of a person or a group of people? i wanna know the science behind that im genuinely curious.
    zamn what kinda people
    the kinda people to kick you out of their college for bullshit reasons and then when you file lawsuits they write letters to you lying even when we both know the lies presented are false. textbook pathological liars directly in charge of a large campus.
    is the person being trash a science
    to clarify, when i said the cold this morning i didn't mean as in actual temperature. i mean the fucking sickness. and im miserable, this might be more than a simple cold.
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