New one command block creation! This one is Gaster Blasters in one command block!
Soon I will make a video for it but I would like to share it with enjin friends before it's completely public
Here are the Steps to install it in your world(You must have operator permission!):
1: Copy all the text in this page:
2: Go into minecraft 1.9.2
3: Go into a single player world(WARNING: Backup recommended, I am not responsible for what happens to your world)
4: Type /give @p minecraft:command_block
5: Place the command block on the ground and paste the command into it with Control + V if you are on a PC, if you are on a Mac try Command + V
6: Click "Needs Redstone" to switch it to "Always active" then press "Done"
7: A Structure should appear, if it happens correctly you have successfully Installed Gaster Blasters in one command block!
So how do I Get these Blaster things?
Drop 4 bones together on the ground with a dispenser, it should craft a Gaster blaster skull.
Pick it up! When you are ready to use it, look in the direction of choice(N/E/S/W), then drop it!
It will come down from the sky, then shoot a powerful beam! this beam will do alot of damage will poison the victims!
You can also make a trap by adding a tripwire before you add the dispenser.
It will craft it, except it is not visible, and will activate when an arrow within 6 blocks of it hits the ground, or a mob or player walks over it!
If activated, a Gaster Blaster will appear over the designated area, and fire downwards!