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  • Project is coming along fine, I Made Zombies have working 3d modeled guns!(They are not bows!)

    Whatcha think?


    A Demo Video for a new weapon, doesn't have a 3d model yet, but it functions perfectly
    This is how it should look like when I 3d model it, but more minecrafty
    Accidently deleted the model file :/
    But I re-did it and it looks better than before


    Gonna take some time but hopfully it should look awesome in the end
    Looking good
    This is a long post so I'm gonna split it into sections

    Stuff About the Balloon Project thing
    Some of you may be wondering whatever happened to that balloon project, well, i sorta got a bit bored of it and the layout of the map I can't figure out how it should be.
    So I'm probably just gonna send Danilem a copy of his ship(Since he made 97% of that ship), and then upload the attack balloon and airship to a pmc project with full credit to all who helped, but it won't be public to use for servers, maps, minigames etc... So later we can continue the minigame.

    TL:DR; I'm basically shelving it for now

    New project stuff
    As for what I am working on at the moment, a model for a boss battle minigame, with player(s) vs large custom mob with a custom model
    So I'm basically making this guy:


    And my process so far is only, the right foot:


    (Compared to the actual foot)

    Sucks so far, right? well
    I can only model it in a special modeling program, which makes it difficult to make it quickly.
    That plus my horrible building skills so.... yeah

    But if you guys would like to help, you can build it or a part of it in actual mc, then send me a picture(s) for me to copy off of.

    More info about the minigame
    The Boss will be:
    -About 8-12x the height of the player
    -Switch Between weapons
    -Use a flamethrower(Right arm)
    -Stomp on you
    -Use a special ground smash attack
    Hullo. I would liek to b a socially awkward weird Dwarf u find playing with little toy soldiers in a cave with his pet Duck Waddles... (Gravity Falls :3)
    Anyone wanna help build a minigame I am making? it's a small one but I need builders
    All there needs to be built is a few airships, balloons etc..
    If you are interested comment and I'll whitelist you
    Now they have helmets that move the gun depending on where the pilot looks,
    People who have flew attack helicopters in fps games will understand the feeling
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