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  • tfw you really think about how your favorite characters don't actually exist and you will never meet them
    New profile pic Tell me if its better or worse than my old one!
    It's like a close up picture of my mc skins face : P
    Anyone know of a player history website or something? to tell what server they were last on or is on?
    It started recording stats for me on March 24, 2014, and I only have 21.4 hours of play time, and I've only played on 5 servers. I wouldn't really trust that site, but it's the only one I know of.
    If you are in Mordor orcs or Isengard on Jedis server we will be merging factions to become a greater evil
    If you have any questions about the merging send me a message.
    That's a good Idea bu I'll have to talk to Sit about this whole thing
    Kindergarden Teacher: Who here would vote for donald trump if you were an adult?
    Majority of kids: *Raises Hand*
    Kid: *Doesn't Raise hand*
    Teacher: Why would you not vote for trump?
    Kid: because I am a democrat
    Teacher: Why are you a democrat?
    Kid: because my parents are
    Teacher: So if your mom is a moron and your dad is an idiot, who are you?
    Kid: *Smiles* A Donald Trump supporter

    Its not like if the whole world gets nuked only america surives... america is the one with the smalles chance to survive a nuclear war so, a fallout game should not be in america.
    Still better than the current candidates we have now
    Unusual Brit
    Unusual Brit
    You can't forget DARTH VADER brought order and peace to the galaxy (Plus a pretty SUPER sustained society) as well as MILLIONS (EVEN BILLIONS) of jobs for the galaxies people.
    Everyone is overreacting to the 1.9 minecraft update, You can even disable cooldowns on servers if the owner wishes, And everyone is just judging it by its cover and not trying it themselves, and the sword cooldown is only 0.6 seconds, not much different then how fast you could hit before.

    I As well hated it at first but I actually tried the PVP with it and its not gonna "ruin" pvp, its just gonna make it more realistic then swords swinging at the speed of light, So Just calm the shit down and whining about how you are gonna quick mc over it.
    I love 1.9 and people just won't give it a chance.
    Giveaway post, Don't click here if you aren't intrested Wanderer is holding an art giveaway! Go check it out!
    Yes because its a 1/800 chance, Now get the fuck off my wall :thumb:
    If the more gravity there is, the more difficult it is for the heart to pump blood, So that's why creatures that say were big as godzilla couldn't live on earth, because it would have so much pressure on the heart that it would fail.

    But what if there was less gravity? The only way to do that would having a smaller planet(Assuming smaller planets would have less mass), then there would be less pressure allowing larger creatures to live, So:

    Larger Planet = Smaller Creatures
    Smaller Planet = Larger Creatures

    But the more you would have to decrease the size of the planet to increase the size of a creature, what if the creature got so big that the planet would end up being uninhabitable for the creature because of it being almost as big as the planet, as well as the creature being so big that it would not have anything to eat and would even pull the planet itself due to its size being almost or even larger than the planet.

    So, here are a few questions:

    1: What would be the mass/size limit?
    2: If the larger the planet the smaller creature would that mean if a planet was big enough the size would be down to atoms and life that requires blood would be impossible?
    3: Any Points that disprove this theory?
    Nvm, the creatures on the lightest planet would still be affected by square cube law, however they could get larger, but only a little bit.
    The Flat Earth Society has members all around the globe
    The joke is that the globe is spherical and FES members think the Earth is flat. Seems like people didn't get it, lol.
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