We seriously need to purge feminism and transhumanism. We can be political correct, but it will be foolish, It will get out of hand. We need to accept who we are, and what we decide to do in our lives. But give someone the thought of having full decisions about his own life will result in more transgenders, transhumanism, feminism, and truly, This will only cause more chaos. Newer generations of children from this day on will be supported by "political correct" people in their decisions. These people will eventually have so much influence, that everyone will change for that matter. And eventually, there will be no shame for the decisions they should have shame in. When there is no shame, we lose respect for one another. And not the pitiful 'respect' of "Wow, I am so proud of you! You finally became the person you truly are! #Transgender4Life!". No, real respect.
Ever realised how advanced we are becoming on the subject of Transhumanism? Researchers are cloning babies, and are currently "close" on researching immortality. This simply is a stage humans shouldn't be reaching. Eventually this world will be totally ransacked, and when we reach the true maximum amount of earthly citizens. We will "cut down" the numbers in the most humane ways. Through genocide, and slaughter.
Ever seen this scary shit?
if someone in the future who should be dead, but transferred his mind to make him immortal walks around in a Robotic body. Call me a murderer, but I will hammer that thing down in seconds, because that's just cheatin'.