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  • This platform has made a decision: Waterproofing would raise survival chances by 30%. Will carry out soon.
    This platform has reached consensus.

    This platform will speak as the other networked platforms do for this entire week. Do not attempt to dissuade us.
    Here's my two cents on the current problem with Aasim and slime:

    I think -everyone- is overreacting. It's not like the ban was permanent, so all this is kinda stupid. Also, seeing as aasim has no evidence of slime being 'Unfair' other than the ban notification, which is lame proof.

    Also, if aasim was harassing slime over skype and Enjin, why -wouldn't- he do it over Minecraft next? And in saying that he -did- do it, so the ban should still go through. So, unless someone comes up with Rock-solid proof that slime was unfair to aasim, Slimegirl24 has my support.
    *Thu failed his escape roll. Bucky's 'splainin' kills his ears.*
    "I have to blow up everything I see... I just like to."

    10/10 "best grmr evrr" -IGN
    And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit.
    Whats the server and the thing like 1.8,1.73?
    Okay. If 1.8.8 isn't working do 1.8.9. After that you need to talk to [user]960266[/user]
    Hello, everyone! Today I'm going to give you a guide on how to get your map accepted by Sjordtim in just 5 easy steps! (Thisisallmadeforfunsopleasedontexpectthistowork)

    Step one! Get into the proper mood.

    Every good builder is like an artist. They have their good days, they have their bad days.
    Now, to get into the proper mood I suggest reading a book and listening to music that will reflect your build. The best way to get into a Tibbles map mood is to read Twilight and Listen to Justin Beiber and 1Direction. This is a sure-fire way to impress tim and hopefully your builds will be just as good as those bands and books.

    Step two! Get a build team together.

    Now, most other build lists would be steps like 'Do your research! Get a qualified build team! Make a plan! Build and edit!'

    But this is Tibbles. You need to get on a whole new level. First off, your team must be good builders. A guy who sent you his application, with great screenshots of amazing builds? Pfft, not good enough. Your seven year old brother who still can't figure out how to craft a pickaxe? Definitely!

    An actual member of Mineplex's build team? No way. Some guy you found spamming a server IP? You betcah!

    Just make sure you don't get any qualified people like zoomerenhd Or adamrob2002 because they make good map[s but they aren't 'Sjordtim' Good.

    Step three! Time to build!

    Okay, so you have your crack team of two and a half builders. Now it's time to build!

    Now, since you're trying to think like Tim, don't actually build anything. Get on, tell them what to do and then let them do all the work.

    Any good build should start with randomly placing sponges, Dirt, A block the color of the thing you're building and torches. Next, to build the shell of your build you should Copy Conwy and raidstone. If you have a problem just remember; What would tibbles do?

    Next, spend four weeks on random Easter eggs that don't benefit the map at all. The players are playing for them, anyway. And remember, do not add ANY details to your map. Because that's not really important.

    Step Four! Classes and World edit

    Not it's time to use world edit on your map. Remember to leave several holes that people can get stuck in and NOT let them use /suicide to get out!

    After your done with the actual build, tell your builders to go home because they're lame and you should have gotten better ones. Now you can work on classes!

    Remember, if someone suggests a class that would be balanced, fun and cost a fair ammount of points, Ignore it saying they already have a class that balances it out, just like on Minas tirith!

    Now, you should have an archer class, a sword class and one voter class. The good voter class should be a good mix of ranged and melee. The Enemy voter class should be the most OP thing to ever hit any server and able to fight off 100 people at once.

    Next, add mages and make them super Overpowered! Then nerf them into uselessness.

    Then you should add point classes. Make it another spearman, because the crossbowmen and horse rider everyone wants would take 10 minutes to code, therefore it's too hard to code.

    THen add the donater class. The good Donater class should only be able to spawn on the last flag, therefore being useless and the Enemy Donater class should be nerfed and buffed every other Thursday because all the noobs say so.

    And step Five! Refuse to release the map until people pay you 200$ and tempt them with badly recorded laggy previews!

    Hey, a server needs to stay up! Everyone knows they've been waiting so long they'll practically sell their own mother for it, soi why not milk it more? And if anyone complains about it ban them because they're stupid.

    Now that you know the steps, your map should be ready to go! Submit it to tim and have him reject it anyway because he doesn't like it and feels that the build he's been working on since the middle ages will be better when he eventually feels like doing it!

    Thanks for listening to Sjordtim- I mean Buckytheblade's guide to map building!
    What a map need to be accepted by tim:

    1. Must be made by tim and only tim

    2. must not look good or work right

    3. must not zoom, adam or any other scrub


    5. Must not have good classes

    6. Must have no detail

    7. Too hard to code

    8. No

    9. Must be Uncannon

    10. You build while I go afk.
    Lel plz nu ban tibbles
    SO yeah.

    I'm not really dead. Still got some life in me yet.

    But now that I've quit RP I'm not going to be anywhere near as active here. I'll make some posts time to time though.
    Yeah, those'll suck the free-time right out of you. So will a newly obtained social life.
    do u like dis pikchur of u? it took me a hole 2 minitz to maek it. i hop u liek it.
    Well, here's to another year alive! Thank God for the year behind, and here's hoping for a new year ahead!

    ((No I'm not dead. Just heavily inactive because I quit RP.))
    Unusual Brit
    Unusual Brit
    B... But chu were makin a wizard power system :(
    Stop coming online and leaving the second you join!

    (It be very annoying when I try to catch you on pm)
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