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  • Hey everyone!

    I'm happy to announce that Ragnarok 2.0 is out!

    For those of you who don't know (How could you not, it;s all I ever talk about on enjin!) Ragnarok is a Roleplaying site that I work on, run by Titan_Kronos_
    And wavebaron . While our main focus is Lord of the Rings Roleplay, we have several smaller worlds to choose from, and a star wars RP on the way!

    With 2.0, we revamped LOTR rp, making things more balanced, adding in some new stuff to keep you guys playing AND kittens!

    If anyone is interested, here's the link : http://www.ragnarokroleplay.com/home

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

    How board WERE you people?

    In honor of this, have a pre-fall picture. Regular bionicle pictures start up Monday.

    The spice must flow.
    -Meanwhile, at Thursday- ....
    This part of this post is for my non-U.S friends.

    For those of you who don't know, this is a dark day.
    14 years ago today, the largest terrorist attack on the United states happened. Four commercial airliners were Hijacked by Al Qadea. Two of these planes were crashed into the world trade center (Picture below.) The towers collapsed eventually, along with the surrounding complex, and hundreds were killed. One plane was crashed into the pentagon, the headquarters of the U.S department of defense. The fourth was on track to be crashed into the capital building, but a majority of the passengers on the last plane, United airlines flight 93, managed to overwhelm and crash the last plane.

    The death toll was nearly 3,00. A large majority were the victims of the main attack, but many more died afterwards. Firemen, First-responders, Police officers,even civilians died rescuing people from the wreckage. Many more died from inhaling smoke, ash and other wounds. What happened that day was horrible. But instead of remembering the horror, remember the Heroics.

    Never forget.
    Regent of Carthage
    Regent of Carthage
    This was also around the time that some Russian apartments were bombed.
    I drew your MC character. Your welcome.

    An d if you want me to draw your mc character too, just post it on my wall, and give me a small payment of 99.99!
    Another reposted build.

    This was the first Bionicle I built that wasn't a remake. Originally, he had a hammer, two swords, a knife and a shoulder-mounted canon, but I dropped all of it for the Inika axe instead. My biggest problem with him is keeping his mask on. The peg is slightly loose, so I lose it all the time.

    Name: Diorite.

    Race: Toa (Unknown what he was before hand)

    Element: Stone (Can use kinetics as well)

    Weapon: Re-ignited Inika axe.

    Mask: Reforged mask of Shell. Blocks any physical attacks, but will not block mental or energy attacks.

    One more coming later!
    And here we go, the first of many. Pardon the poor picture quality, my phone camera is horrible.

    This first one is my remake of the Inika jaller set. I simply rebuilt the basic body, stuck some extra parts on the sword to make it two handed and called it new. Now, at several points he had a shotgun, A keyblade, a bow and was a borg at one point. This is one of my favorite builds.

    Name: Jaller

    Race: Toa (Preveously a matoran)

    Weapon: Inika fireblade.

    Element: Fire

    Mask: Mask of fate. Changes odds to allow user to pull of superhuman feats or impossible stunts.

    More to come in a moment!
    dat quality doe
    So, before I get into the cool bionicle stuffs tomorrow, here's a little slice of angband for you all.

    As I do a lot in my churches youth ministry, I try and keep up with the "Trendy" things. A lot of talk has been going around about the local high schools homecoming dance. A lot of grumbling was about getting a mum for your date.

    So, I looked up some pictures, expecting to see little flowers, maybe with a few ribbons.

    What I found was something that looked like an elven shield that Mardi gras, New years, the fourth of July and Saint Patrick's day had a drunk knockdown drag-out fight on it, then threw up on it, and THEN did a river dance on it.
    Some of them had lights, some of them had speakers that played techno. heck, some of them were big enough that you couldn't see the girl wearing them. And, to add to the misery, you have to get the girl an actual flower too. As if you could see it past your mass holiday bar fight.

    Oh, apparently the guys aren't left out on the torture! They get to wear "Garters" (If you don't know what it is, be glad.)

    I have lost all faith in humanity for allowing those botanical monstrosities to live.
    Yeah.. at least you dont have an Eye-Of-Sauron mum! -shivers- That person must be drunk/insane or have a bad taste of flowers..
    I was looking through my Enjin wall, all the way back to the start and I ran across my old pictures of the Bionicles I had made.

    So, I was wondering if anyone would like to see some pictures of the rest of my collection? I have quite a few ,including some new ones and rebuilt ones. If ya care, gimme some feedback.
    Well, sicne only two people answered I'm doign them anyway. Ha ha!
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