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  • And the Woman's Football team takes home the Fifa world cup! WOOOOO

    (This is soccer for those who live IN America)
    ThuBioNerd And I are starting a LOTRO (Lord of the rings online) Group tonight.

    Now, a lot of you won't have heard of this, so I'll give you the basic run-down.

    LOTRO is an amazing MMO that takes you into tolkiens word of Lord of the rings, allowing you to explore nearly all of middle earth (expansions take you further east each time) And allow you to go on your own quest, following in the steps of the fellowship along the way. Along with an amazing story, LOTRO gives you a large section of classes to play as. From the Champion, a class that allows you to destroy foes with two blades and devastating blows , to the mighty Captain, using cries and battle standards to weaken foes and boost allies, to the powerful hunter, felling foes from afar with a bow and special arrows,LOTRO has a class for every combat and playing style.

    And you can choose from all four of tolkiens races! Be an elf from lindon, a dwarf from the Iron hills, a hobbit from the south farthing or a Man of Rohan, and many more!

    Some classes won't work for some races. A dwarf cannot be a captian or a burglar, and a hobbit cannot be a champion. Elves cannot be burglar either, and men cannot be Rune keepers, ect ect.

    Now, if you want to join us, the game is F2p. You get two character slots, acsess to normal quests in the first four zones (The shire, Ereid luin, Bree and the Lone lands) And ALL the epic story until moria. VIP is 15.99$ (Google to convert if you're not in 'murica) which is actually worth it. IF you have any questions, feel free to ask. And if you want to join, comment along with any questions you have and I'll fill you in.
    I played LOTRO for awhile and I found it very displeasing to me and I always compared it to SWTOR... I was always underleveled in LOTRO even though i cleared all the missions in the area
    So, I just inherited a faction on Age of Iron from Nowin3D .

    I'm going to post this inviting anyone who wants to get back on AoI and play. We're at peace with everyone right now (Well, everyone but Freek_)

    If you want to join, gimme a post. I only require that you be active!
    I'm Head Engineer of the Dwarves. I've built some great traps.....
    For anyone who cares, I have a DC lantern crops based Role-play set up here :http://ragnarokroleplay.com/home .

    I have a storyline, information page, bits of lore and everything else you need to get started if you want to join in.

    This won't be around forever, though, so hurry!
    Everyone, go spam Titan_Kronos_ (Titan_Kronos) With your favorite anime opening, Fight scene, or just the word anime!!!
    Yikes. I don't know what Anime you've seen mate, but some of it is really good.
    Okay guys, I need some help. My friend gave me a good set of headphones with a mic attachment and I had a though. "Hey, why don't I start youtubing?!"

    Only problem is, I have no idea where to start. So, if anyone who youtubes or does any kind of recording could tell me what's the best recording and editing programs I could use, I'd be really grateful.
    nobody has time for a Mac.*
    You know the worst part about losing a game? Seeing all the characters that WERE going to be released. Watching the Infinite crisis final twitch stream with all the characters they WOULD have added makes me want to save game....
    Infinite Crisis. It's a DC based MOBA.
    Given the current trouble going on with RP, I think a few people need to be reminded what being a DM is all about.

    We are NOT your mother. We're here to make sure things are fair to a degree. If mordor has 1000 troops and gondor has 2500, we're NOT going to to nuke gondor to move the troops down JUST to help you.

    We're NOT here to help you win. If you're in over your head, a DM will GLADLY give you advice. We will NOT send an OP army of super mutant zombie trolls to save you. Titan can do that if he wants- because he's the owner-, but we're not here to make sure you win.

    We're NOT here to give you everything you want. I personally have been asked by people for anything from fireball powers to ignoring ALL lore to summon the army of the oathbreakers. Sometimes we'll do SMALL things, but never to that scale.

    We're here to make sure people follow the rules. We're here to make sure people don't power game or meta game. We're here to keep the site and RP running.

    Now, I'm NOT going to quit. I got a good slap in the face from wavebaron , but that does't change the fact that a lot of people have forgotten what we're here to do. Having said this, I'm taking an hour and a half break from RP. When I get back, there WILL be a reckoning.
    R.I.P> buckyThuhBlode. he was so 3pic. liek if u cri evry tim
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