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  • EmpireWar is sloooowly growing again. As you can see on this graphic, lately there has been many many and again many more players than before (during the long 2 months of inactivity)

    oh do people actually view my profile page?
    no, it's just your imagination
    that's why I asked about the link between you and Russia
    UR GREAT hope to see you again
    oh just noticed this i'm morphing into Mirror now you're great
    Happy new year everyone! I wish for you to have an awesome 2019.

    I've got Dynamics and a big-ass Rohan flag as present!
    I keep getting notifications of different people liking my reply on the Christmas thread but Everytime I check it it's always at 4 and never above. How weird of people's part...
    That moment when you are building something & fly up to see how it looks, and fly around it for a couple of minutes until you tell yourself you should maybe go down and continue but no, your brain wants you to fly a bit more
    Can't relate, I don't have any thinking organs
    You just soak in the pride you feel for having built that, admiring it from different angles. My preciousssss....
    Here comes my Demotion. Nice serving with you lads.
    [user]11880503[/user] its actually a "promotion" xD
    As announced, an upcoming Update is going to roll out November the 3rd. I'll make sure to attend to it! Join siege.empirewar.org MC 1.12.2 to have a chance to experience the double point booster and 2 new maps with a ton of other players!
    Yeah... I do have alot of motivation to play around with Empire War (yes I said with) and working on preparing a future EQ team project, but school overwhelmed me, I don't even have time to complete a part of my homework due to the other part of it... At least I can promise to be here on Friday evenings.

    Hope you guys understand ;/
    Finally received my Uruk helmet! It took 4 months to arrive and it's from my
    aunt I+ cousins for birthday (may). 1:4 scale for 60 euros... Yey. Anyways I also bought myself the unfinished tales book and this little though detailed map of Middle Earth is cut out from it. Gonna hang it somewhere above my bed probs. If you remember, I also have a bigger one that I got for New year which hangs above my monitor.
    Finally home!

    I was on vacation far away for 2 months and now I am back! I had an occasion to have a photo in the pilot cabin With both pilots I was and am super happy and excited. Now that I returned to my enormous monitor with 4k resolution I just can't describe my feelings and how EPIC THIS ALL IS!!!!

    Hello BlackFlames, I'm back EpicQuestz, how are you EmpireWar?
    I drew the map of Middle Earth on a door in the garden (not my property)


    Here is the little house I drew it on:

    last night i dreamt that I was Lord Elrond and that I went to Lady Galadriel to ask for Celebrian's hand. She gave me the permission and then we both went to the royal kitchen where there was an orc chief that made nice food.

    I was very happy that I could marry Celebrian. lol

    There is a fun thing: the same day (before going to sleep) I learned Rivendell theme on piano. how emberassing
    how emberassing...
    lmfao nice. A r o y a l wedding indeed.
    Pretty normal.
    The Rivendell theme is satisfyingly easy to play, and sounds great. I tried learning the entire score of FotR in eleventh grade, was a few songs short of achieving it.
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