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  • Lol that was fast, but I finished the book of Beren and Luthien. That’s for now one of the most interesting books I’ve read, learning alot of new stuff, including some new vocabulary xD
    Its a good one ey!
    I finally finished the silmarillion book!

    Im proud and happy, although its a shame dor me that I didn’t read it earlier... Well, now I’m starting the book of the Tales of Beren and Luthien.

    One of hundreds of interesting things I discovered during the Silmarillion, is that now I understand the sense of powers of the 3 elven rings.

    It is known that Lady Galadriel keeps the ring of wind, therefore, it is now clear why and how one can hear her voice in their head (atleast that’s what I think, correct me if I am wrong please). Lord Elrond keeps the ring of water, explaining how the power of the river saved his Daughter from Nazguls. Gandalf, the most obvious, is the keeper of the fire ring. It is mentioned about two times during the 2 movie trilogies. He uses the fire power in the duel vs Baleog, which is the most outstanding of the ring’s power.
    I read it like 6 times xD . Beren and Luthien is a great story, you're gonna love it. And will be like astonished at some parts. Even if you know the main story of it.
    Empire War's website just hit 5000 users registered!
    The 5000th user was Akam's alt, but he was banned a month ago.
    What? No? We've been at 5000 for ages, I even announced it the day it happened.
    We hit 3000 threads at the same time
    Meanwhile on EpicQuestz...

    My grandfather died last night

    I just want to clarify, he had a cancer which was Very likely to be caused by smoking. He smoked for at least 30 years non stop, resulting in a death right after he walked my dad to the train station.

    My dad and him weren't talking for a few years because of a dispute. About 2 months ago they were again in peace, and my dad decided to visit him. Everything was well, and so he departed further to Kamchatka (because it was his original plan, he just wanted to stop by to see his dad) but as I already said, he was messaged about his father's death in the train/right after it. That's a major shock for him, the burying will take place tomorrow.

    Although I am indeed sad, I am not super stressed out because I wasn't close to him. I saw him a very few times via skype and that too was a couple of years ago.

    What I want to specifically point out, is smoking.
    I'm pretty sure that message will not encourage anyone to stop smoking, however I still can try to warn you: Don't smoke, please. It's not like it's bad for you, but you fucking harm your family psychically, they fkcing love you and don't want you to die that way. Please live a happy and Long life.

    I hope this what somewhat useful for you smokers.
    To be fair he, with smoking loved better than most people in the 18th century
    Well , my grandpa atm has lung cancer due to him smoking for the past 25 years or so. His death can only be delayed. I bet you though if with any miracle he actually lives, he will just go back smoking. I've been visiting him since the day I was born. Sometimes even twice every week. *He is a 2 hour drive from my town*. Smoking is retarded.
    Now I've got a new phone... well not new, it's my little sister's old one, an IPhone. What I dislike about it is that's the screen is damn small (it's an IPhone 4 or 5 (too lazy to check) and is uncomfortable for websites such a short this one since you have either to own ultra little finger sign to aim the button or zoom, on my real phone (LG black screen android) when I try to aim a button and fail, a little zoom in pops-out in the area where I clicked so I can click there's which Is much easier. For now I'll be using an IPhone and still don't know when I'm buying a new battery for my android.

    (My forum signature would be just perfect here)
    My phone battery died during night... I may now seem less active because of that....
    About my last post.




    This is it. I probs have more in my PC screenshots but im too lazy to look for them
    Edhellond is going well. As many of you heard/read, it is going to be an Empire War siege map around may.

    Just to clarify: It is initially designed for the Middle Earth project so the EW version which will obviously be a copy, will differ a bit from the current version.

    For information about the map's current state, read previous progress letter and wait for the upcoming one on sunday
    We had so much fun building together today! Thank you guys for being such an amazing build team! I love you all!

    DJ Lee the Wolfman
    what do you men? We were 5 working on edhellond for 3 and a half hours ;3 (the_pharaohs_cat was on tirith but he took part of the selfie too)
    each and every one of the group memebers took a pic and some of them posted it (already saw some of the pics online)
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