My grandfather died last night
I just want to clarify, he had a cancer which was Very likely to be caused by smoking. He smoked for at least 30 years non stop, resulting in a death right after he walked my dad to the train station.
My dad and him weren't talking for a few years because of a dispute. About 2 months ago they were again in peace, and my dad decided to visit him. Everything was well, and so he departed further to Kamchatka (because it was his original plan, he just wanted to stop by to see his dad) but as I already said, he was messaged about his father's death in the train/right after it. That's a major shock for him, the burying will take place tomorrow.
Although I am indeed sad, I am not super stressed out because I wasn't close to him. I saw him a very few times via skype and that too was a couple of years ago.
What I want to specifically point out, is smoking.
I'm pretty sure that message will not encourage anyone to stop smoking, however I still can try to warn you: Don't smoke, please. It's not like it's bad for you, but you fucking harm your family psychically, they fkcing love you and don't want you to die that way. Please live a happy and Long life.
I hope this what somewhat useful for you smokers.