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  • I literally dropped what I was holding and sprinted upstairs to my computer when I heard minas tirith was back.
    Lol sadly its not in the rotation
    Now that's the spirit
    An anthem for America's troubles right now:

    "I'm a believer, it's a trial, foolish and weaker."
    "Angel down, angel down. Why do people just stand around?"

    (song starts at 6:30, not a very good video of it, but no better alternatives)
    Yo, tell you bro we need his minas tirith for our server. It's gonna be beta ew again soon
    1 am *turns on tv*

    *sees Two Towers is on, 15 min in*

    Me: Is it a marathon?
    Dad: yes
    Me: There will be no sleep tonight.

    *10 min later*
    Me: Well, now we have to watch the whole marathon.
    Dad: But, we've only been watching 10 min.
    Me: How do you go on... when in your heart you begin to understand... there is no going back?
    It is the final day of EW....and there are 12 people on. -_- people, seriously.
    final day is between 20th and 25th
    Really? :O need to go talk to brother, one sec >:(
    I was busy becoming the 7th best archer in the world my age (and I'm on the third best school archery team in the world, fite me)
    You know you are a nerd/geek when...

    You're watching a video of people doing "finish that Hamilton lyric" and you can't finish them all, but they can.

    Normal person's reaction: "Wow, and I thought I was obsessed; these people are more obsessed than me."

    My reaction: "Wow, and I thought I was obsessed; these people are more obsessed than me. AW CRAP! I NEED TO GO RELISTEN TO ALL THE HAMILTON SONGS AND REMEMORIZE ALL THE LYRICS."

    I have like more or less 90% memorized.

    (go listen to Hamilton if you haven't already, idk if i've made this clear, but it's freaking amazing)
    You know you're a nerd when you watch 12 ted-ex talks in a row on YouTube about economics and country demographics.
    that geek not nerd :) we have has this discussion before.
    Was on another server doing parkour and basically they spawned 50+ people at the beginning and said "GO!" But, of course, also said "be patient, take turns" HAH right, like that's happening. 10 people on one block trying to jump onto next one, FRUSTRATING AS HECK

    Aaron and I start ranting in chat about how terribly this was planned; the rest of the 50+ people are just like "it's hard, but it's obviously not your fault, you are amazing," (talking to mod) -_-

    Aaron: They don't know how to rant, they never played on EW.
    So, apparently people are sharing their stories of EW.

    I joined Empire War roughly 3 1/2 years ago when I was just starting Minecraft. At the time, I didn't play mc much, so I didn't have my own account; I just played on my brother's account, aaronjnc . I really loved Empire War from the beginning because of my love for LOTR. I wasn't very good at shooting, pvp, or really any class (it was my first time pvping on mc), so of course my brother's kdr sucked. Because I sucked so much though, I didn't really care/worry about having good stats (because let's be real it wasn't happening), so I played more for the fun of it and fought for the team, not myself. I loved playing the game when I first joined, but it took a little while to get accustomed to the community of EW. I mean, I was a lot younger then (3 1/2 years feels like forever now), so it took some adjusting to get used to the chat and such.

    I've played on a few other servers after starting on EW, but the popularity of those servers never lasted more than a few weeks. If you think about, it's quite amazing this server has lasted so long while other servers have died shortly after spiking in numbers.

    This past Spring, I finally got my own mc account because my brother was sick of me "creating enemies" by getting angry at idiots, and also lowering his kdr. I think I've gotten a bit better at pvp, a bit, so basically when I switched accounts my brother got stuck with all the bad stats. xD But to make him feel better, I got myself killed a bunch and now have a lower kdr than him (that was totally why I died a lot, by choice, died by choice).

    While this server has had a lot of idiots, racists, sexists, jerks, and really I could go on, the amount of people who are actually good outweigh those idiots. At the end of the day, it's sad to see Empire War, a server that used to be so prosperous and successful, dying slowly with only a few people on at any given time of the day. I guess the majority of the people who used to play it in its Golden Age have started/already have grown out of play EW, and just don't find it fun anymore.

    Overall, I've made a lot of friends on here and a lot of "enemies". The other night I solidified my place in the EW community and finally felt like one of the players; someone accused me of hacking. My first accusation! I mean, I'm not very good, so I don't know why he thought I was hacking, but whatever.

    I've seen a lot of people ending their spiels and what have yous with giving shout outs to everyone they've friended and such, but I don't feel like doing that. It was nice getting to know/talking to the people I friended and it was fun complaining about horrible hacker jerks to my irl friends who had no idea what I'm talking about because they don't play videogames. So, have a good life y'all!

    Aw crap. I just realized how long that was....well I like writing. You can just read the first sentence then probably skip to the last.

    "Started 3 1/2 years ago....have a good life"
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